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Coffee, tea & chocolate -- A collection of early texts

Coffee, tea & chocolate -- A collection of early texts


Coffee, tea & chocolate
A collection of early texts

Alte Texte zur Geschichte des Kaffees, des Tees & der Schokolade

Maintained by Janet Clarkson (Brisbane, Australia)
and Thomas Gloning (Vienna, Austria).

Early texts on coffee, tea and chocolate

1529/1606 Relatione d'alcune cose della Nuova Spagna (1529?/ 1606; partial): Food and drink in 16th century Mexico (including a recipe for chocolate) HTML
1582 Leonharti Rauwolfen (...) Aigentliche beschreibung der Raiß/ so er vor diser zeit gegen Auffgang in die Morgenländer/ fürnemlich Syriam, Iudæam, Arabiam, Mesopotamiam, Babyloniam, Assyriam, Armeniam etc. nicht ohne geringe mühe vnnd grosse gefahr selbs volbracht (...). Lauingen: Leonhart Reinmichel 1582.
Kap. VIII: Von grossen gewerben vnd handlungen der Statt Halepo, Jtem der Türcken mancherlay Speysen/ Geträncken/ Ceremonien/ vnnd auch jhrer sondern weiß/ zum Essen vnd Trincken zu:ositzen.
Kaffee/coffee: Seite 102ff., page 102ss.
1659 The Nature of the drink Kauhi, or Coffe, and the Berry of which it is made, Described by an Arabian Phisitian (Oxford 1659) HTML
1660 The Vertues of Chocolate, East-India Drink / The Properties of Cavee, Egipt Drink (Oxford 1660) HTML
1661 A Character of Coffee and Coffee-Houses (London 1661) HTML
1671 Faustus Naironus: De saluberrima potione cahve, seu cafe nuncupata discursus. Rom 1671. PDF
1674 The women's petition against coffee (London 1674) HTML
1674 The Mens Answer to the Womens Petition against Coffee (London 1674) HTML
1675 By the King. A Proclamation for the Suppression of coffee-Houses (1675) HTML
1685 John Chamberlain (tr.), Of the use of coffee, in: The Manner of Making of Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate, 1685 HTML
1731 Disputatio circularis medica, De tribus impostoribus, I. Potu theae & coffee. II. Commoda vita. III. Officinis domesticis, Daß viel tausend Menschen durch Trincken des Thee und Coffee, durch Erwehlung guter Tage, durch Anschaffung der Haus-Apothecken, sich betrieglich umb Leib und Leben bringen. Quam, praeside Dn. Georgio Dethardingio (...) Anno MXCCXXXI publico examini sistit Carolus Theodorus Thesendorff (...). Rostochii, Typis Io. Jacob. Adleri, Seren. Princ. & acad. typogr. (1731). PDF
1744 Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim: Kaffee und Thee (1744) HTML

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