Inhaltspezifische Aktionen



  • Seppänen, L., Heikkilä, H., Kira, M., Lallimo, J., Ruotsala, R., Schaupp, M., Toiviainen, H., Uusitalo, H., & Ala-Laurinaho, A. (2014) Asiakasymmärryksen, yhteistyövälineiden ja työhyvinvoinnin kudelmat palveluverkostojen toimintakonsepteissa (Patterns of customer understainding, collaborative tools, and well-being in the activity concepts of service networks). Helsinki: Työterveyslaitos.

  • Docherty, P., Kira, M. & Shani, A.B. (Eds., 2009) Creating Sustainable Work Systems, Developing Social Sustainability, 2nd edition, London: Routledge. 

  • Antoni, C.H., Baeten, X., Emans, B.M.  & M. Kira (2007 Eds), Shaping Pay in Europe: A Stakeholder Approach, Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang.

  • Kira, M. (2003) Byrokratian Jälkeen - Kohti Uudistavaa Työtä ja Kestävää Työjärjestelmäkehitystä (After bureaucracy – Towards regenerative work and sustainable work system development), Labor Policy Studies, Number 254, Helsinki: Ministry of Labor, Finland.

  • Kira, M. (2003) From Good Work to Sustainable Development - Human Resources Consumption and Regeneration in the Post-Bureaucratic Working Life, A PhD thesis, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Industrial Economics and Management.

  • Kira, M. (2000) The Compensation systems of Developing German Organizations, Labor Policy Studies, Number 223, Helsinki: Ministry of Labor, Finland.