Inhaltspezifische Aktionen




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Vazquez-Armendariz AI, Heiner M, El Agha E, Salwig I, Hoek A, Hessler MC, Shalashova I, Shrestha A, Carraro G, Mengel JP, Günther A, Morty RE, Vadász I, Schwemmle M, Kummer W, Hain T, Goesmann A, Bellusci S, Seeger W, Braun T, Herold S, 2020. Multilineage murine stem cells generate complex organoids to model distal lung development and disease. EMBO J. DOI: 10.15252/embj.2019103476

Schwengers O, Hoek A, Fritzenwanker M, Falgenhauer L, Hain T, Chakraborty T, Goesmann A, 2020. ASA3P: An automatic and scalable pipeline for the assembly, annotation and higher-level analysis of closely related bacterial isolates. PLoS Comput Biol DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007134