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Bild des Monats Oktober 2020

Hier finden Sie wechselnde Einblicke in die Arbeiten der am LaMa beteiligten Arbeitsgruppen. Eine Sammlung aller bisher erschienenen Bilder finden sie in der Galerie der Bilder des Monats.

Towards Understanding the Reactivity and Optical Properties of Organosilicon Sulfide Clusters

The optical response of organogtetrel sulfide clusters depends crucially on the ligands. This is demonstrated by the substitution of the phenyl group with naphtyl ligands in the silicon based [(PhSi)4S6] molecular crystal.  The adsorption spectra of [(PhSi)4S6] and [(NpSi)4S6] clusters, here calculated within DFT in the independent-particle approximation, are rather different concerning the positions and line shapes of the spectral features. The deviations in the optical response origin from the qualitatively different and differently localized electronic states involved in the transitions resulting in the main spectral peaks of the two compounds. In particular, while HOMO-LUMO transitions are responsible for the first adsorption peak of the [(NpSi)4S6] spectra, they have a minor relevance in the [(PhSi)4S6] spectra.
The original publication can be found here: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020. (

Dieses Bild wurde eingereicht von Prof. Dr. Simone Sanna.