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Bild des Monats November 2020

Hier finden Sie wechselnde Einblicke in die Arbeiten der am LaMa beteiligten Arbeitsgruppen. Eine Sammlung aller bisher erschienenen Bilder finden sie in der Galerie der Bilder des Monats.

Development of an All White Magnet

A multi-component particle system was developed that combines the properties of white “color”, white light emission and strong magnetism on the macroscopic and microscopic scale. The system is constituted by combination of an inorganic white core with either hard or soft magnetic properties of either magnetite or α-Fe, surrounded by titania and silica, and the white light emitting MOF EuTb@IFP-1 as building blocks of a supraparticulate core-shell structure. Thereby, the gap is bridged that homogenous compounds are either strongly magnetic or white in appearance / white light emitting. The composites presented herein inherit these properties intrinsically as electronic properties. The white characteristics are based on all optical properties that enable white: light reflection, refraction, as well as light emission. This work shifts the paradigm that strongly magnetic materials are always expected to be intrinsically dark.

Publication: M. T. Seuffert, S. Wintzheimer, M. Oppmann, T. Granath, J. Prieschl, A. Alrefai, H.-J. Holdt, K. Müller-Buschbaum, K. Mandel, J. Mater. Chem. C 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0TC03473H.

Dieses Bild wurde eingereicht von Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller-Buschbaum.