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Internationale Konferenz „The Emergence of Gendered Power Structures since Early Modern Times: Practices, Norms, Media“ vom 23. bis 25. November 2022

Internationale Konferenz „The Emergence of Gendered Power Structures since Early Modern Times: Practices, Norms, Media“ vom 23. bis 25. November 2022


The Research Network ”Gender • Power Relations • State” (GMS) will host the International Conference ”The Emergence of Gendered Power Structures since Early Modern Times: Practices, Norms, Media, which will be concerned with analyzing the configurations of gendered power relations from the early modern era to the present from an interdisciplinary perspective.

After the conference’s opening on the first day with an evening lecture, the following two days will feature three sessions consisting of two panels, each scheduled to respectively highlight the leading categories of gender, power relations, and state. Each session will open with one keynote. The second day will start with the keynote focused on Gender, leading to the panel discussions on „Medialization of Gendered Rule” and „Imaginations of Female Presidency in TV Series”, which will then be followed by the keynote focused on Power Relations with the attached panel discussions on „Entangling Conceptions of ‚Weak Rule’ and ‚Femininity’ from Shakespeare Plays to Presidential Representation” and „Subalternity and Epistemic Violence”. The third day will open with the Keynote focused on the State and then proceed with the panel discussions on „Sexuality, Violence and the State: Norms and Regulations” and „Women as newly emergent Political Actors”.

The event will open with an introductory keynote, held on November 23 by Prof. Myra Marx Ferree (University of Wisconsin-Madison). The speakers for the three following keynotes are Prof. Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (University of Oxford), Prof. Claudia Ulbrich (FU Berlin), and Prof. Birgit Sauer (Universität Wien), focusing on Gender, Power Relations, and State, respectively.

The conference will take place at the Herder-Institute Marburg from Wednesday, November 23, to Friday, November 25, 2022 and will be held in English. Participation in person is limited. Online participation is possible. For an attendance in presence, registration is required:


Der interdisziplinäre Forschungsverbund „Geschlecht • Macht • Staat“ (GMS) richtet die internationale Konferenz „The Emergence of Gendered Power Structures since Early Modern Times: Practices, Norms, Media aus. Die englischsprachige Tagung findet von Mittwoch, den 23. November, bis Freitag, den 25. November 2022, am Herder-Institut Marburg statt. Die Konferenz beschäftigt sich aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive mit der Analyse von Konfigurationen geschlechtlicher Machtverhältnisse von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Geplant sind sechs Panels, die, gegliedert in drei Sitzungen, jeweils mit einer Keynote eingeleitet werden. Den ersten Keynote-Vortrag hält am 23. November 2022 Prof. Myra Marx Ferree (University of Wisconsin-Madison), die weiteren Keynote-Vorträge am 24. und 25. November 2022 haben jeweils den Fokus Gender, Power und State. Dazu sprechen Prof. Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (University of Oxford), Prof. Claudia Ulbrich (FU Berlin) und Prof. Birgit Sauer (Universität Wien).

Weitere Informationen zum Programm finden Sie auf der Tagungsseite. Die Plätze sind begrenzt. Eine Online-Teilnahme ist möglich. Um der Tagung in Präsenz beizuwohnen, ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich unter:



(Tillmann Schorstein, 06.07.2022)