Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


Die AG Kühn beschäftigt sich mit der Erstellung von schneller Elektronik zur Echtzeit-Datenerfassung für Detektorsysteme.


Das BES III Experiment in Beijing untersucht Charmonium Produktion und Zerfälle in e+e- Kollisionen.


Das Dileptonen-Spektrometer HADES (High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer) an der GSI Darmstadt dient zur Untersuchung von Hadroneneigenschaften in Kernmaterie.

PANDA (Link zur Webseite)

PANDA ist eines des großen Detektorsysteme des Zukunftsprojekts der GSI Darmstadt. Es wird am Antiprotonenspeicherring zum Einsatz kommen.

A former project: the "Eye" Picture

This is the official WWW page of the STAR level-3 trigger system. It is the system, which has provided all pictures of high energy Au+Au collisions (where ''Au'' denotes an atomic gold nucleus) at the STAR experiment at the RHIC accelerator at Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA. These pictures are sometimes called "eye" pictures, and they became one of the most cited pictures in high energy physics. The project was lead by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stock from University of Frankfurt. In Brookhaven, the project leader (it means, as one of the subsystems of the STAR experiment) was Dr. Sören Lange, now at the II. Physics Institute of University of Giessen. Please find below the names of the involved students.