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Literature lists from literature management programs like Citavi or Endnote can be imported into ILIAS. The bibliographies must be in BibTeX format (.bib or .bibtex) or in RIS format (.ris) and may contain references to the library catalogue, which are automatically resolved by ILIAS.

Blended Learning

Blended Learning describes a teaching scenario between media-enriched classroom teaching and pure online teaching. It is therefore traditional classroom teaching with digital components.


Blogs can be understood as "online diaries". In blogs, learners can record their own thoughts, reports or Internet findings in the form of articles. These can usually be commented on directly by readers at the bottom of the page. Blogs can be run by groups as well as by individuals, under real names or even pseudonyms. Blogs can be made public or accessible only to a certain group of users.


The use of bookmarks is a function of the browser, which allows you to set bookmarks to certain pages on the Internet(Linked page in German.)