Scientific databases list and describe scientific literature. Searching in them is useful because...
- more detailed search options are usually offered,
- not all databases licensed by JLU are analysed by JUSTfind.
Call up the database information system (DBIS) and select your subject area via the subject overview. The most important subject databases are listed under Top databases.
- Select a suitable database for your research. Click on a title to obtain more information about the database.
- Start the database and search for literature on your topic.
You can also search scientific databases in JUSTfind : In the "Articles & more" tab , you can perform a database metasearch for articles.
- Here you will find an overview of the databases analysed in JUSTfind .
- You will find further explanations and screenshots in the JUSTfind/Articles section .
- Further information on searching databases with JUSTfind can also be found in our e-book on JUSTfind in chapter 4.2. from page 45.
You can also find detailed information on the subject of databases in our e-book on JUSTfind .
- In the hit displays of the specialised databases, you will at least receive bibliographic information - such as title, author, where (e.g. in which journal) published - and abstracts.
- The full text may also be contained directly in the database.
- If this is not the case, check whether the journal or work is available electronically or in print at JLU.
In many databases, the button
will help you. Clicking on it will trigger a full-text search, which will show you whether the full text is available electronically or in print in the library system.
- If the button is not available, a search in JUSTfind will tell you whether the article is available in our system.