Via the HeBIS-Volltextsuche (full-text search) of the University Library you can access full-texts of electronic journals directly from Endnote and store the PDF files in your Endnote project.
Configuration of full-text search
Open the Endnote preferences for full-text search in the menu under Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text
Enter the address of the link solver of the University Library under OpenURL:
Full-text search
Select a journal article from your references.
Go to URL > OpenURL Link with a right click.
The HeBIS-Volltextsuche (full-text search) will open in Firefox respectively the Internet Explorer.
Depending on the article, there will be different ways available to access the electronic full-text.
Downloaded PDF files can be stored as an attachment of the respective reference. Make a right click on the reference and go to File Attachments > Attach Files.
Full-text access from outside
Please be sure to use the AnyConnect VPN Client, if you want to access full-texts of licensed electronic journals from home, for example. With a connection via WebVPN full-text searches with Endnote are not possible.