HPC: Workshop on “High Performance Computing, Distributed and Parallel Computing"

Motivation and objectives

High Performance Computing almost always means parallel or distributed computing. Algorithms for the solution of optimization problems in statistics, econometrics and finance are well-suited for massively parallel computation or for making efficient use of alternative architectures. Grid computing solutions can provide transparent access to this variety of platforms. The purpose of this workshop is to compare benefits of different approaches to parallel and distributed computing for computationally demanding problems arising from the research activities undertaken in the framework of COMISEF and to provide an introduction to the most important programming paradigms and tools in these fields. Examples will be considered in a demonstration session in the computer lab.


Full day workshop with three lectures and a “hands on” afternoon session at NEC Europe Ltd, C&C Research Laboratories (responsible organizer for COMISEF: Univ. of Klagenfurt).

  1. Parallel computing programming paradigms.
  2. Vector computers and special purpose hardware.
  3. Grid Computing.
  4. “Hands on” session: Parallel programming with MPI, sample problems on vector and parallel computers, demonstration of Grid computing and special purpose hardware.