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W3 Professorship in Information Systems


The Faculty of Economics and Business Studies invites applications for a


W3 Professorship in Information Systems


as of the earliest possible date. Reference is made to § 67 Para. 7 Hessian Higher Education Act (HessHG) and to conditions of employment based on § 68 HessHG. Proficient knowledge of German is expected.



You have the task of representing the field of information systems in research and teaching in a design- and application-oriented manner. This includes participation in the faculty’s bachelor's and master's degree programs and doctoral (PhD) training. The professorship belongs to the field of business administration.


You contribute to the development of the study programs and engage in cooperative study programs, such as the information systems program planned in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Geography. The willingness and ability to teach in German and English are required.


In addition to the teaching obligations and the supervision of student research projects, internships, and theses, other tasks include research, knowledge transfer, participation in academic self-administration, and the promotion of young academics.


Research relates to issues relevant to business administration in the above-mentioned field of research. In this context, you will be responsible for the initiation and implementation of (externally funded) research projects, also in cooperation with other professorships of the faculty or with other faculties at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU).


You should contribute to the Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS) at JLU and to the planned cross-faculty Center for Applied Computing and Data Science.


The professorship contributes to the internationalization of the faculty by expanding international cooperation, participating in international research projects, and integrating international perspectives into teaching.



A university degree, an outstanding, thematically relevant doctorate, and additional academic achievements (proven e.g. by a habilitation or in the form of relevant peer-reviewed publications in the research field outlined above) in the field of information systems are required.


Success in the independent acquisition (and management) of externally funded projects (preferably DFG, BMBF) is required.


You have relevant teaching experience and can provide evidence of high-ranking publications in the aforementioned research field in nationally and internationally recognized journals.


Furthermore, you must be able to connect to research within the faculty as well as to the planned Center for Applied Computing and Data Science at JLU. This connection can exist concerning business administration professorships in the areas of management, finance and accounting, information systems, data science, and digitization.


In case the candidate exceeds the basic age limit of 50 years, a civil servant appointment under § 66 Para. 3 sentences 2 and 3 Hessian Higher Education Act (HessHG) in conjunction with § 11 Hessian Career Regulation (HLVO) requires a specific functional interest.


The JLU aims to employ more women in academic research. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply. JLU also pursues the goal at faculty leadership level of increased competence in dealing with gender and family-related issues. JLU is regarded as a family-friendly university. Applicants with children are very welcome. Applications from disabled people of equal aptitude will be given preference.


We strongly recommend candidates to refer to our fact sheet on application procedures.

Please send your application with the required documents via online form to the President of Justus Liebig University Giessen by May 23rd, 2024, quoting the reference number 2-06/24.


