Open Access (OA)
Open Access means the free and unrestricted online access to scientific literature . The idea is to make published research findings useable and available without any financial, legal or technical barriers to all people. This easy accessibility ensures a fast and sustainable dissemination.
Golden road
- First publication in Open Access journals , which make all their articles available in full-text and without delay.
- Open Access journals use the same strict quality control procedures (peer review) as conventional journals ( Müller 2009 ).
- You can find an overview of Open Access journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Green road
- Parallel publication of an already published article on an institutional or professional document server (= repository).
- Many publishers allow such a secondary publication under certain conditions, for example a time delay (see SHERPA/RoMEO ).
- An overview of Open Access repositories can be found in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (DOAR) and in the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).
Further Information
The Open Access publication fund of the JLU helps authors financing article processing charges (APCs) in Open Access journals. For APCs up to 2.000 € the JLU OA publication fund covers 50% of the costs. APCs above 2.000 € can be supported by JLU funds with 1.000 € (incl. VAT). As junior scientist in their PhD process or with a PhD-graduation that is not older than five year the JLU OA publication fund covers 75% and a maximum of 1.500 €.
You can informally apply for publication fund support by specifying the following data to the university's open access representative (see under "contact" on the right side of this page):
- name and contact details,
- if applicable: status as junior scientist,
- title of the article / the journal,
- original of the invoice,
- a cost center / project number your share of the publication charges.
Conditions for funding
- The journal you want to publish in is an Open Access journal in the sense of the "golden road" , whose articles are all accessible free of charge and without delay.
- The journal adheres to strict quality assurance procedures that are recognized in the respective field.
- The publication must have a free license (preferably Creative Commons Attribution CC BY) and will also be published in JLUpub.
- The corresponding author is a member or researcher of the JLU Giessen.
- The support for junior scientists is only applicable if they act as corresponding author.
- It is reccomended to use an ORCID-ID as distinct identificator.
- If the book is published as a result of a DFG-funded project, please add a reference to the funding with the DFG project number, e.g. "Funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) [Project number]"
The reimbursement of publication costs for single Open Access articles in subscription journals is not possible. The means of the publication fund are successively assigned until the fund is exhausted. The date of receipt of the application is decisive.
Further information
The JLU has agreements with several publishers concerning Open Access publishing:
- AAAS (Science Advances)
- AIP (American Institute of Physics)
- BioMed Central
- BMJ Publishing Group
- Cambridge University Press
- Company of Biologists
- De Gruyter
- Elsevier (DEAL-Vertrag)
- Frontiers
- Hindawi
Hogrefe PsyJournals
Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Karger
- PLoS
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
- Rockefeller University Press
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
- Sage
- Springer Nature (DEAL contract)
- Springer Nature (Nature journals)
- Taylor & Francis
- Wiley (DEAL contract)
Open Access Contacts
Support of Open Access Monographs
The Open Access publication fund of the JLU has so far focused on scientific journals. Since free access to books is becoming increasingly important, the publication of Open Access monographs has been funded from October 2019.
Prerequisites for assumption of costs
Members of the JLU who act as authors or editors and who are responsible for paying the publication fees are eligible to apply.
- Only previously unpublished works are funded.
- All parts of the funded work must be permanent, free of charge and accessible worldwide at no cost immediately on publication.
- Bachelor and master theses as well as dissertations are excluded from funding.
Funding scope
- Only open access fees are financed.
- Half of the costs will be granted (max. 5,000 EUR per publication).
- Funding can be combined with other funds. In the case of publications that arise in the context of third-party funded projects, it must be checked whether the third-party funder can take over in whole or in part.
- Funding is limited to one publication per person per year.
- The grant is valid for a period of 12 months. If the publication has not taken place after the deadline, a new application for funding must be submitted.
Conditions of Funding / Publisher Eligibility
- Before publication, the work must have gone through the usual quality assurance processes within the respective discipline, e.g. by an editorial board or by peer review.
- The JLU affiliation of the authors has to be clearly recognizable in the publication. It is reccomended to use an ORCID-ID as distinct identificator.
- The funding by the Open Access publication fund of the JLU should be stated as: "Funded by the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Giessen" .
- If the book is published as a result of a DFG-funded project, please add a reference to the funding with the DFG project number, e.g. "Funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) [Project number]"
- The publication must have a free license (preferably Creative Commons Attribution CC BY) and will also be published in JLUpub.
- The publisher should be listed as an Open Access publisher, e.g. in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) or as a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) .
With its
Open Access Resolution (German)
the steering committee of the Justus Liebig University (JLU) supports the Open Access principles, as they are described in the
Berliner Erklärung
and in the
Budapest Open Access Initiative
In this way the JLU promotes the change in the culture of scientific publishing and communication, increases its international presence and perceives its social responsibility as a modern university to ensure free access to the findings of its researchers.