Document Actions

De Gruyter - Open Access Agreement "HSS- und Economic-Journals"

For 2024

JLU Giessen participates in the Open Access Transformation Agreement for the 'HSS & Economic Journals' of the De Gruyter publishing house. This means that JLU authors acting as corresponding authors can publish Open Access in 104 hybrid journals in the humanities and social sciences and in 25 hybrid journals in the economic sciences  without additional costs.

In addition, participating institutions receive a 20% discount on the list price of the APCs for publication in Gold Open Access journals. This discount is automatically deducted from the APC by the publisher. Articles in Gold Open Access journals are eligible for support from the JLU Open Access Publication Fund.

For APCs up to 2.000 € the JLU Open Access publication fund covers 50% of the costs. APCs above 2.000 € can be supported by JLU funds with 1.000 € (incl. VAT). As junior scientist in their PhD process or with a PhD-graduation that is not older than five year the JLU OA publication fund covers 75% and a maximum of 1.500 €.