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Articles in JUSTfind

In JUSTfind you will find articles and other media in the second tab "Articles & more".

Tab Artikel & mehr in JUSTfind


You can

  • search in specific database fields such as the title or across the board,
  • sort,
  • filter, e.g. for online-only resources or by keywords,
  • search for full texts or call them up directly.

This looks very similar in the desktop view:


Tab Artikel und mehr in JUSTfind


JUSTfind shows the results of a metasearch across many scientific databases in the results view. We show exactly how this works in the Databases section - also in a video.

 Tips for searching for articles

  • If the article you are looking for is not among the first hits, you can narrow down the results using the search filters provided.
  • Please note that no similar search terms will be offered in the "Articles & more" tab if you make typing errors.
  • Be careful with special characters! If your search contains special characters and is not successful, please remove them.
  • German articles not found? The "Articles & more" tab mainly evaluates English-language databases! If you cannot find an article in German, it makes sense to search directly in the relevant specialist database.