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PhD student (m/f/d) in the research area „Neuroaesthetics”


Founded in 1607, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) is a research university rich in tradition. Inspired by curiosity about the unknown, we enable around 26,500 students and 5,700 employees to advance science for society. Join us in breaking new ground and writing success stories - your own and those of our university.


Support us from 01.09.2024 in part-time (65 %) as a


PhD student (m/f/d)

in the research area „Neuroaesthetics”


The position is part of the externally funded project "Resolving the brain dynamics underlying aesthetic visual experiences" (funded by the DFG) and is fixed term according to § 2 WissZeitVG and § 72 HessHG, including the opportunity for further scientific qualification, at the Neural Computation Group at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Geography. The salary is in accordance with the collective labour agreement of the State of Hessen (E 13 TV-H).


You will be hired until 31.08.2027, unless the maximal duration of consecutive fixed-term contracts is exceeded. It is expected that you will work towards a PhD degree on this position.


Your tasks at a glance

  • You will work in a project that aims to characterize the brain processes that give rise to aesthetic ex­periences: We want to uncover how neural computations predict whether or not we find visual images beautiful; To reach this goal, the project will use a combination of behavioral experiments, neuro­imaging (using EEG/fMRI), and computational modelling (using deep neural networks)
  • Your tasks will be to devise experimental routines, independently conduct EEG and fMRI experiments, analyze the resulting data, and disseminate the results at conferences and through journal publications


The scientific work on the (third-party funded) project will also serve the purpose of obtaining further scientific qualifications.


Your qualifications and competences

  • Completed Master‘s or equivalent university degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Biology (or a related discipline), with very good grades
  • Theoretical foundations in the field of (visual) cognitive neuroscience and/or empirical aesthetics/­neuroaesthetics
  • Experience with collecting neuroscientific data (EEG and/or fMRI)
  • Experience with EEG and/or fMRI data analysis
  • Good programming skills (in Matlab and/or Python)
  • Excellent command of the written and spoken English language
  • Ability to work reliably and independently, as well as within a team


Our offer to you

  • A varied job with flexible working hours
  • Integration into a large vision community in Gießen, with big third-party funded cluster projects (SFB/­TRR135 - “Cardinal Mechanisms of perception”, funded by the DFG, and “The Adaptive Mind”, funded by the Hessian Ministry of Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Art), with ample opportunities for training, discussion and collaboration
  • Access to world-class research facilities in a vibrant vision science centre
  • Free use of local public transport (LandesTicket Hessen)
  • More than 100 training seminars, workshops and e-learning opportunities per year for personal development, as well as a wide range of health and sports activities
  • Remuneration according to TV-H, company pension scheme, child allowance and special payments
  • Good compatibility of family and career (certificate "audit familiengerechte hochschule")


For further questions or informal inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dr. Daniel Kaiser by phone (0641/99-32110) or by e-mail ( Informal enquiries before application are encouraged.


JLU aims to employ more women in academic research. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply. JLU is regarded as a family-friendly university. Applicants with children are very welcome. Applications from disabled people of equal aptitude will be given preference.


You want to break new ground with us?

Apply via our online form by June 11th, 2024, indicating reference number 369/07. Please submit an up-to-date CV, a letter detailing your research experience and your research interests, and contact details for 2 references. We look forward to receiving your application.


