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Find Related Books

If you have found a book on a subject that interests you and would like to find more on that subject, in the research portal JUSTfind ("Catalogue (OPAC)" tab) select the search result for the relevant book.

Image - Checking off subjects


  • You can start a new search by subject by checking off the subjects that interest you and clicking on the magnifying glass. The results will consist of all books that have been assigned the subjects you selected.

Image - RVK class number and title


  • Move your cursor over a RVK class number. A window will open with the full title of the class and its subclasses.
  • Click on a class number. A list of books that belong to the same class (i.e. that are on the same subject) will appear.


Please note:  Not all books have been assigned a RVK class number. Hence, not all books relevant to your subject will be shown. When you select a subject area with the corresponding search filter, you will be shown only a partial listing of the relevant e-books!

The RVK is used in the University Library and some branches to arrange new acquisitions on the shelves.

More information: RVK Classification System