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BWL XI: Best Poster Award at WebSci '24

Our paper "Community notes increase trust in fact-checking on social media" has won the "Best Poster Award" at ACM WebSci '24.

Our paper "Community notes increase trust in fact-checking on social media" (co-authored by Chiara Drolsbach, Kirill Solovev & Nicolas Pröllochs) has won the "Best Poster Award" at ACM WebSci '24 in Stuttgart, Germany. At WebSci '24, Chiara Drolsbach presented the results from a preregistered survey experiment analyzing users' trust in different types fact-checking interventions on social media (e.g., community notes, expert fact-checks). The findings imply that community notes might be an effective approach to mitigate trust issues with simple misinformation flags. 

The full paper (preprint) is available via OSF


