Team Members
Principle Investigator

Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-822
Secretary: Anette Inka Mündelein

Availability at jlab:
Mondays 9:30-15:30
Tuesdays 9:30-12:00
Mondays 9:30-15:30
Tuesdays 9:30-12:00
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-823
Fax: +49 (0)641 99 35-829
Graduate Students

NFDI4Microbiota, Task Area 3, which is dedicated to implementing the services for data access and analyses intended for the microbiology community. The final goal being to make research more standardized and reproducible.
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-824

Microbial shifts and cytokine pattern in children undergoing chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-824

Production of Natural Colorants of Basidiomycota by Heterologous Expression of Gene Clusters
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-806
Ihsan Muchsin, M.Sc.

Early detection and interception for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-824
Elena Volp, M.Sc.

deBruijn Graph Rust
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-824
Noah Stuertz, B.Sc.

ADP goes GPU
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-432
Lab rotations
Stefan Nitz, B.Sc.

Assess miRNA expression in Schistosoma mansoni.
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-432
Christian Loob, B.Sc.

Spaln3 goes ADP
Ludwigsplatz 13-15
35390 Giessen, Germany
35390 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 35-432
- Lab rotations
- Tobias Grütgen, B.Sc. (2024/09 - , Impact of marker gene length on diversity.)
- Miriam Reinwald, B.Sc. (2024/12 – 2025/01, Impact of marker gene length on diversity. )
- Mohit Kumar, M.Sc. (2024/08 – 2024/10, Nextflow Pipeline improvements)
- Joshua Wagner (2023/11 - 2024/02, The Curious Case of the Caterpillar’s Missing Microbes)
- Elena Volp, B.Sc. (2024/02 - 2024/03, Prototyping in Rust)
- Noah Stuertz, B.Sc. (2023/10 - 2023/12, Ubuntu Package for fold-grammars software)
- Daniel Tischler, B.Sc. (2023/10 - 2024/01, Integrate a third auto algebra function, to systematically convert candidates into GraphViz trees.)
- Timo Bäuerlein, B.Sc. (2022/11 - 2023/01, Microbiome and Myocardial Infarction: influence of low oxygen saturation on the regenerative capacity of dead heart tissue)
- Hanna-Sophie Zienert, B.Sc. (2022/06 - 2022/07, Collect publicly available childhood ALL microbiome data.)
- Johannes Groos (2022/06 - 2022/06, Vorarbeiten zum Vxdetector.)
- Julian Andreas Selke (2021/11 - 2022/01, Fungal function assignments.)
- Max Pfister (2021/11 - 2021/12, Benchmark creation for RNAhybrid variants.)
- Jasmin Walter (2021/11 - 2021/12, CLI for RNAhybrid 3.0)
- Nora Baumann (2021/01 - 2021/02, Metaanalysis of Microbiome data on ALL children.)
- Clara Kilian (2020/11 - 2021/01, Microbial profiles from Exome data.)
- Anna Rehm (2020/10 - 2020/12, Host genotype impact on microbiome.)
- Lukas Hunold (2022/10 - 2022/12, Data mining RNAloops.)
- Jonathan Scharle (2023/06, Childhood Microbiome Atlas. Co-supervised by Anna Rehm.)
- Johannes Groos, B.Sc. (2023/09 - 2023/11, miRNA target prediction pipeline.)
- Sven Jobst (2024/04 - 2024/08, Erstellung eines graphneuronalnetzwerk-gestützten Assemblers auf Basis von De Bruijn-Graphen.)
- Student Assistants
- Stefan Nitz, B.Sc. (2023/12 - 2024/12, Erstellen von Lehrvideos zur Data-Science Python-Bibliothek "pandas")
- Jonathan Scharle, B.Sc. (2023/08 - 2024/01, NFDI4Microbiota: Metadata-Dialogue)
- Leon Metzger (2021/04 - 2021/06 and 2022/01 - 2022/07, Bellman's Cafe)
- Jasmin Walter (2022/01 - 2022/05, Front end for RNAhybrid)
- Felix Keller (2020/03 - 2020/12, House keeping of gapc)
- Lukas D. Frey (2021/10 - 2022/02, Bellman's Cafe)
- Clara Kilian, M.Sc. (2021/06 - 2022/12, Identification and characterization of Long COVID-19 patients by whole blood transcriptomics.)
- Master Students
- Sven Jobst (2024/08 - 2024/12, Neural Networks for deBruijn graphs)
- Elena Volp, B.Sc. (2024/04 – 2024/10, deBruijn Graph Rust)
- Johannes Groos, B.Sc. (2024/04 – 2024/09, ArgoClip mirRNA target prediction pipeline)
- Marcel Neuenhoff, B.Sc. (2023/02 - 2024/01, Hospitalized patients poop: A risk for our environment? Co-supervised by Claudio Neidhoefer.)
- Cäcilia Werth (2022/03 - 2022/09, Investigation of dysbiosis in mice with tuft cell deficit, supervised by Torsten Hain)
- Tim Wollhöver (2020/09 - 2022/01, Dimensionale Reduktion - Evaluierung aktueller Algorithmen der Dimensionsreduktion anhand von Mikrobiom Datensätzen.)
- Anna Rehm (2021/09 - 2022/01, Einfluss des genetischen Hintergrunds auf die Komposition und Diversität des murinen bakteriellen Mikrobioms über fünf Generationen, co-supervised by Laurentiu Benga)
- Katrin Bauer (2021/04 - 2022/01, Sex-differences in the gut microbiome of patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD), co-supervised by Ulrike Loeber)
- Jan C. Keller (2020/03 - 2021/12, Expansion and evalutation of the software tool ReferenceSeeker towards the determination of reference genomes for bacterial cohort studies, co-supervised by Oliver Schwengers)
- Sonja Diedrich (2021/04 - 2021/09, Benchmarking Metatranscriptomic Assemblers, co-supervised by Sebastian Jaenicke)
- Matthias Beck, B.Sc. (2022/09 - 2023/06, Microgravity: The effects of long-term bed rest on the human gut microbiome. Co-superwised by Anna Rehm.)
- Franziska Daumüller, B.Sc. (2022/06 - 2023/03, Mycomatics: fungal RNAseq and genome annotation)
- Hannah-Sophie Zienert, B.Sc. (2022/09 - 2022/07, AI to predict Leukemia. Co-supervised by Anna Rehm.)
- Guiraud Tresor Tonou Fotso, M.Sc. (2022/05 - 2022/10, Trait-based community assembly and succession of the infant gut microbiome, co-supervised by Anna Rehm)
- Fynn Mürmanns, B.Sc. (2023/01 - 2023/08, Speed-Up RNA prediction. Co-supervised by Katharina Maibach.)
- Julian Andreas Selke, B.Sc. (2022/02 - 2023/09, The fungal microbiome of Conyza canadensis - Perspectives on invasions in dry vs. mesic environments. Co-supervised by Christoph Rosche.)
- Inès Schönhaar, B.Sc. (2023/01 - 2023/11, W-elements in Schistosoma mansoni. Co-supervised by Christoph Grevelding.)
- Van Nguyen-Hoang, B.Sc. (2023/01 - 2023/10, Structural RNAs in Exome data.)
- Bachelor Students
- Jeremy Meiß (2024/06 – 2024/11, Extension and improvement of the VXdetector tool for the identification of 16S rRNA sequences in microbiome analysis)
- Joshua Wagner (2024/03 - 2024/07, The Curious Case of the Caterpillar’s Missing Microbes)
- Johannes Groos (2022/07 - 2022/08, Identifying the variable 16S regions via readmapping of the raw sequencedata, co-supervised by Anna Rehm)
- Belinda Rougeault (2020/07 - 2020/09, Characterizing underrepresented clades in reference phylogenies via massive amplicon fragment insertion, co-supervised by Katharina Maibach)
- Graduate Students
- Katharina Maibach, M.Sc. (2019/11 – 2024/11, Pareto optimal RNA secondary structure prediction algorithms.)
- Interns
- Leonhard Bach (27.06.2022 - 08.07.2022, Landgraf Ludwig Gymnasium, Giessen)
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