Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

About the SFB

International Collaborative Research Centre - SFB TRR81

The SFB TRR81 is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). 
Projects in Rotterdam are supported by Absea Biotechnology (Beijing), 
Erasmus MC Rotterdam (Rotterdam), Harbour Antibodies BV (Rotterdam and Boston), Stichting Swart-van Essen (Rotterdam), Vereniging Trustfonds Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Rotterdam).

Several projects at 

      • Philipps-University Marburg
      • Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
      • Max-Planck-Institute in Bad Nauheim
      • Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam 
investigate the role of chromatin in the context of cellular differentiation and malignancies under the title:


"Chromatin Changes in Differentiation and Malignancies"




Dr. Christina Stielow
Project Coordinator TRR81
Institute of Molecular Biology and Tumor Research (IMT)
Biomedical Research Centre (BMFZ)
Philipps-University Marburg
Hans-Meerwein-Str. 2
35043 Marburg

Phone: +49 6421-28-25366
Fax: +49 6421-28-66842



SFB TRR81 Board Members:

Speaker:                  Alexander Brehm

Vice-Speaker:         Sandra Hake (Germany)
                                   Sjaak Philipsen (The Netherlands)

Managing Board:   Uta-Maria Bauer
                                  Tilman Borggrefe                        
                                  Thomas Braun
                                  Frank Grosveld
                                  Olalla Vázquez