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A new research paper has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW). The Web Conference is one of the flagship conferences in data science with a very low acceptance rate (CORE Ranking A*).

A new workshop paper has been accepted for presentation at the WITS 2020. The paper uses deep learning to integrate price-relevant aesthetics of floor plans into hedonic price models.

A new workshop paper has been accepted for presentation at the Conference on Digital Experimentation at MIT (CODE@MIT). The paper analyzes the effect of emotions in online clickbait on engagement rates.

In winter semester 20/21, we offer the course "Text Mining" for master's students. Bachelor's students are welcome to apply for a spot in the "Data Science Proseminar." Proseminar participants are welcome to propose seminar topics based on their personal interests.

A new workshop paper has been accepted for presentation at the SIGBPS Workshop on Blockchain and Financial Analytics 2020 at AMCIS 2020. The paper makes use of state-of-the-art methods in visual analytics and computer vision to learn price-relevant aesthetics of floor plans on online real estate platforms.

A new research paper has been accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications (IF: 4.292). The paper uses machine learning and methods from natural language processing to predict sentence-level polarity labels in financial news.

In summer semester 2020, we offer the course "Data Science for Management" for bachelor's students. Master's students are welcome to apply for a spot in the "Data Science Seminar." Seminar participants are welcome to propose seminar topics based on their personal interests. The first deadline for seminar applications is 27th January 2020 (via e-mail).

A new research paper has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019). ICIS is the flagship conference in Information Systems and ranked A in the VHB ranking.

We will offer a master's course on "Text Mining" in winter semester 19/20. The course will have an interactive format including coding sessions, discussions, and presentations by students. The course is also open to interested bachelor students currently enrolled in the 210- and 240-CP programs.

A new education grant from Google supports our teaching activities in the next semester by funding cloud resources for the course "Text Mining". The Google Education Grant provides each course participant with education credits that allow accessing cloud resources and data science tools from the Google Cloud Platform.

A new research grant from Google supports our research by funding cloud resources for machine learning applications in electronic commerce and finance.

A new research paper has been accepted for publication in the proceedings of 17th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2019). NAACL-HLT is one of the ACL flagship conferences in natural language processing (acceptance rate of ~20%).