Research at our faculty
Research colloquium
Guest speakers from Germany and abroad present their research findings. Come along!
FoKo: Informations and datesDoctorate degreee (Dr. rer. pol.)
Our department awards the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences (Doctor rerum politicarum – Dr. rer. pol.) on completion of the doctoral procedure.
Infomation on Ph.D.Habilitation
Our department awards the degree "habilitata" or "habilitatus" (habil.) on completion of the Habilitation process.
Infos on habilitation
Accent areas
Accent area Data Driven Economy (DDE)
How can the technology-driven diversity and abundance of data be used economically successfully and responsibly for society as a whole?
Accent area Responsible Leadership & Corporate Governance (RL&CG)
How can companies and other organizations act responsibly?
Research network
Research Network Digitalization
How can organizations be successfully managed in the age of digital transformation?
Further Links
Gießener Graduiertenzentrum
The Giessen Graduate Center for Social Sciences, Economics and Law (GGS) offers guidance, counselling and advice for doctoral and postdoctoral students in law, business and economics, the social sciences and related disciplines.
Library, literature and data