What exactly is the "GGK," and for whom is it intended?
The GGK/International Graduate Centre for Humanities is a pivotal part of Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) founded with the goal of improving the education of doctoral researchers in the area of cultural studies.
The GGK assists doctoral researchers enrolled in JLU's three areas of cultural studies specialization (Social Sciences and Cultural Studies; History and Cultural Studies; Language, Literature, Culture) by carrying out selected events and concrete projects within the framework of the thematically organized sections and working groups .
How and when can I reach the GGK?
Email: Hannah.Mansour@gcsc.uni-giessen.de
+49 641 / 99-30 024 (Office)
+49 641 / 99-30 041 (Secr.)
How do I decide if doing a doctorate is the right choice for me?
We can advise you on various aspects of your (prospective) doctoral studies in an individual consultation.
Are there opportunities for financial aid? How do I procure a grant, for example?
The GGK itself does not award grants, but we will be glad to advise you about various funding opportunities. If you are enrolled as a doctoral researcher in Faculty 03, 04, or 05 and are seeking specific information on an advanced stage of the research or application process, please don't hesitate to make an appointment for a PhD consultation hour.
What does the GGK's doctoral programme entail?
The GGK offers doctoral researchers in the cultural studies a wide array of course formats at every step of the way, from first semester to defense/disputation. More information can be found here .
What is the Introductory Course?/ What is the Intermediate Course?
The introductory course for doctoral researchers provides instruction on methodology, theory, and key competencies, and also offers practical assistance for administrative, financial, methodological, and structural questions related to doing a doctorate.
The intermediate course takes up where the introductory course leaves off providing for more focussed attention on individual dissertation projects.
Can I take part in the GGK's doctoral studies programme? What are the prerequisites?
The GGK's study programme is primarily aimed at doctoral researchers in faculties 03 through 05 of JLU Giessen, and they will be given priority in course placement. Also welcome to attend, however, are
- any JLU student in the final stages of a graduate degree.
- doctoral researchers from areas of study outside the cultural studies.
This also holds for Career Services workshops:
- Highly motivated students in the final stages of their degree who have doctoral degree in mind are welcome, space permitting. As a rule we compile a waiting list for these requests, and interested students are kept informed as spots become available.
Are there fees for participation in the workshops?
Unless otherwise stated, the workshops are held at no cost to participants; the GGK itself handles speakers' fees.
How do I register for events?
Registration dates are included in the course calendar . In general, we ask that you register promptly and only if you are committed to attending.
How do I find out about activities and events at the GGK?
Current information on upcoming events taking place at the GGK – as well as relevant events at other institutions on the JLU campus – can be found in the course calendar .
What are "sections," and how do I join one?
The GGK has topic-oriented study sections organized by doctoral researchers themselves as themed spheres of activity and collaboration. This is a place where the 'big questions' can be addressed, special events can be organized, and research projects can be presented.
What are "working groups," how do they differ from "sections," and how can I take part in them?
Like sections,
working groups
are thematically organized units.
The working groups can – but don't have to – attain the status of a section, thereby becoming a more permanent unit. Compared to sections, working groups tend to be more informal.
What does the GGK Career Service offer? And for whom?
As an informational and organizational platform for career planning and the professional world, the GGK Career Service supports strategic preparation for working life after the doctorate. In cooperation with the Giessen branch office of the German Federal Employment Agency, the Service arranges workshops and conventions to familiarize doctoral researchers with career perspectives and offer professional instruction for the job application process.
How can I, as a former student, continue to be involved?
We're delighted to hear from former students who would like to become active in the GGK's alumni network. You could, for example, appear as a speaker at one of our Alumni events and pass on your knowledge to the next 'generation.'
The GGK is designing an alumni network to systematize connections between graduates and the university. If you would like to be included, or request a new access code for your homepage profile, we're at your disposal! Please share your experiences with us, and/or your ideas for future collaborations!
Calculating honoraria
Planning events
- Hinweise Veranstaltungsankündigungen
- Antragsformular Veranstaltungsformate
- Antragsformular für Exkursionen
- Teilnehmerliste
Registering at the Faculty
- Antrag auf die Annahme als Doktorand_in (an den Fachbereichen 04 und 05) , Dr. phil.
- Antrag auf die Annahme als Doktorand_in (am Fachbereich 03)
- Antrag auf Zulassung zur Promotion
For the doctoral degree and examinations regulations of the departments 03, 04 and 05, as well as the guidelines for applications according to §18 of the doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Humanities, please refer to the doctoral regulations ( Promotionsordnung ) of your respective department.