Local and Public Support

Public and State Support
Gießen facilities - Day-Care
Gießen offers a wide range of day-care. Please see the following links to find an appropriate day-care-centre, childminder or babysitter.
Public Financial Support
You may be entitled to some forms of governmental help – such as child allowance and parental allowance. Please check with the institutions if your claim is valid.
Child allowance You will receive a monthly payment of 250 € for every child. You must apply for child allowance at the family benefits office at the Employment Agency. |
Parental allowance You can receive a maximum of 14 months parental allowance. It is two-thirds of your income to date – subject to a minimum amount of 300 € and a maximum of 1,800 €. You must apply for parental allowances at the regional parental allowance office. |
Current offers for parents and children in Gießen and the surrounding area (as of December 2nd, 2024)
Provider | Short description of offer | Link |
Self-help association ‘parents helping parents’ |
Weekly open parent-child and family cafés, single parent meetings and counseling services, meetings for rainbow families and regular children's flea markets (German language offers) English language offer: weekly English playgroup |
https://www.ehe-giessen.de/muetter-und-vaeterzentrum/staendige-angebote/ |
Family Educational Centre Gießen) |
Various playgroups and courses (German language offer) |
https://www.fbs-gi.de/eltern-kinder-und-jugendliche/eltern-und-kinder-gemeinsam/kw/bereich/kategorien/kategorie-id/4/kategorie-name/orderby/orderby/beginndt/begonneneKurse/0/auchVolle/1/orderbyasc/1/ |
Caritas |
Open telephone consultation hours: Advice on educational issues (also available in English on request) |
Child Protection Association |
Parent courses “Strong Parents – Strong Children” (focus: single parents, foster parents, blended families) (also available in English on request) |
https://www.kinderschutzbund-giessen.de/elternkurse/starke-eltern-starke-kinder/ |
„Grashüpfer“ Middle Hesse | Platform for excursion tips, things to do with children | https://grashuepfer-mittelhessen.de/ausflugtipp/ |
Parent-child courses in Middle Hesse (Facebook) |
Digital platform for various parent-child courses in Middle Hesse and tool for social networking | https://de-de.facebook.com/groups/ElternKindKurseMittelhessen/ |