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Local and Public Support

Public and State Support

Gießen facilities - Day-Care

Gießen offers a wide range of day-care. Please see the following links to find an appropriate day-care-centre, childminder or babysitter.


Public Financial Support

You may be entitled to some forms of governmental help – such as child allowance and parental allowance. Please check with the institutions if your claim is valid.

Child allowance

You will receive a monthly payment of 250 € for every child. You must apply for child allowance at the family benefits office at the Employment Agency.

Parental allowance

You can receive a maximum of 14 months parental allowance. It is two-thirds of your income to date – subject to a minimum amount of 300 € and a maximum of 1,800 €. You must apply for parental allowances at the regional parental allowance office.


Current offers for parents and children in Gießen and the surrounding area (as of December 2nd, 2024)

Provider Short description of offer Link
Self-help association ‘parents helping parents’

Weekly open parent-child and family cafés, single parent meetings and counseling services, meetings for rainbow families and regular children's flea markets (German language offers)

English language offer:

weekly English playgroup
Family Educational Centre Gießen)

Various playgroups and courses

(German language offer)

Open telephone consultation hours: Advice on educational issues

(also available in English on request)

Child Protection Association

Parent courses “Strong Parents – Strong Children” (focus: single parents, foster parents, blended families)

(also available in English on request)
„Grashüpfer“ Middle Hesse Platform for excursion tips, things to do with children

Parent-child courses in Middle Hesse

Digital platform for various parent-child courses in Middle Hesse and tool for social networking