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Digitally supported teaching and learning scenarios

In our explanatory videos we present tools and applications that support you in your digitally supported teaching/learning scenarios.

  • Etherpads in teaching scenarios


English subtitles

  • Wikis in teaching scenarios


Englisg subtitles
  • Accessibility in digitally supported teaching scenarios


English subtitles
  • Blogs in teaching scenarios


Englih subtitles

  • Didactic scenarios with screencasts


English subtitles

Workspace Session | Digital teaching in higher education

In the workspace session series on digital teaching in higher education, experts from different departmental cultures at JLU will report on their experiences with digital teaching methods and from their own everyday teaching activities.

  • Web Based Training in der Praxis: Erfahrungen aus der Anwendung im Studienbeginn (Master)

Benedikt Philipp Kleer

Faculty 03 - Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

  • Adobe Connect in der Hochschul-lehre als Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis im DAF-Unterricht

Dr Tamara Zeyer

Faculty 04 - Language, Literature, Culture

  • E-Klausuren! Wenn der Computer der Fragen stellt

Lukas Groos

Faculty 08 - Chemistry and Biology

  • Audiopodcasts in Unterricht und Lehre - Eine Methode zur Vertiefung

Prof. Dr. Christof Schreiber

FB 07 - Mathematik und Informatik, Physik und Geographie

  • Blind Date: Jura und Digitalisierung

Dr Silvio Kupsch

Faculty 01 - Law

  • Digitale Methoden im Medizin-studium - nicht nur Mittel zum Zweck, sondern Arbeitswerkzeug der Zukunft

Dr Holger Repp & Dr Johannes Lang

Faculty 11 - Medicin


A collection of various contributions on the topic e-learning and digitally supported teaching in higher education


  • Die Digitalisierte Hochschullehre

UB Coffee Lecture
  • Digitale Kompetenzen bei Hochschullehrenden

Michael Eichhorn (studiumdigitale)

Keynote EduCamp E-Learning

  • Digital Education Demystified

Lehre 4.0

  • Digitale Bildung

Lehre 4.0

Lehre 4.0 Interview podcast

Our Lehre 4.0 interview podcast with guests from the universe of digitally supported teaching in higher education.




We introduce ourselves

Episode 1

Dr Lars Kilian as guest

Episode 2

Students of digitally supported teaching in higher education.