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EAAS Womens Network Symposium Keynote Andrea Pető

EAAS Womens Network Symposium Keynote Andrea Pető March 31, 2023

We would like to draw attention to the following keynote at the Fifth Biennial Women's Network Symposium at the University of Debrecen on March 31, 2023. Historian Prof. Dr. Andrea Pető (Central University Vienna) will speak on "Reproductive Rights as a site for a new cold war". 

Excerpt from the event announcement:

Are we witnessing a new Cold War between liberal and illiberal forces globally waged on “gender as symbolic glue”? Attacks on reproductive rights fill the headlines and government-sponsored billboards promoting motherhood and condemning abortion proliferate, while the allegedly mainstream right-wing governments increasingly adopt positions previously espoused only by the far right creating a dangerous void in the center of the political spectrum. Posters of smiling white mothers with cute white babies are covering the expensive billboards advertising motherhood from Hungary to Poland, from Germany to Denmark, from Russia to Serbia. Is the ethnocentric pronatalism of today the same pronatalism as of the interwar period concerning its rhetoric and potential for mobilization? Should the triple – financial, security, and ‘refugee’ – crises of the years following 2008 and/or the COVID-19 pandemic be considered as our era’s trigger moments?  This talk tries to give an answer to these troubling questions, using a historical comparative analysis of the different phases of contestations of reproductive rights – abortion policy and promoting righteous motherhood.
Start: 11:15 a.m.
Room: Studio 111, Main Building
Moderation: Éva Mathey
(March, 17 2023, Tillmann Schorstein)