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Ph.D. student (m/f/d) in the field of molecular virology of hepatitis B virus (HBV)


Founded in 1607, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) is a research university rich in tradition. Inspired by curiosity about the unknown, we enable around 26,500 students and 5,700 employees to advance science for society. Join us in breaking new ground and writing success stories - your own and those of our university.


Support us from 01.07.2024 in part-time (65 %) as a


Ph.D. student (m/f/d)

in the field of molecular virology of hepatitis B virus (HBV)


The position is part of the externally funded  project " Comparative investigation of the genealogy of hepatitis B virus" and is to be filled on a fixed-term basis in accordance with § 2 WissZeitVG and § 72 HessHG with the opportunity for own academic qualification at the Department of the Institute of Medical Virology at the Faculty of Medicine. The project is funded by the DFG. The salary is in accordance with the collective labour agreement of the State of Hessen (E 13 TV-H).


As long as the maximum permissible duration of a fixed-term contract is not exceeded, you will be employed for a period of 3 years.


The project

Human hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections result in over 800,000 HBV-associated deaths worldwide annually, despite the availability of protective vaccination and antiviral therapy options. Our previous work has identified several animal HBV isolates, including a bat HBV that can infect human cells. This indicates the existence of zoonotic HBV isolates and suggests that the evolutionary history of HBV is more complex than previously thought. The project will confidently investigate the extent to which viral and cellular entry and replication factors contribute to the host range of different animal and human HBV isolates.


Your task at a glance

  • Design and performance of virological infection assays in cell culture with different human and animal HBV isolates in a S3** safety laboratory
  • Cloning and production of human and animal HBV genomes and relevant cellular factors of their target cells in vitro
  • Investigation of binding, uptake and replication of HBV after infection using biochemical, molecular and microscopy techniques, including laser scanning microscopy in vitro to determine the zoonotic potential and host range of individual animal HBV isolates
  • Independent analysis of own experimental results, preparation of scientific talks and papers, and presentation of the work at scientific congresses


The provision of academic services (including the processing of a research project financed by third party funds on a temporary basis) also serves the purpose of academic qualification.


Your qualifications and competences

  • Completed Master´s or equivalent university degree in biology, biochemistry, medicine, veterinary medicine, or equivalent
  • Very good knowledge of biochemical (qPCR, RT-PCR), molecular biological (Northern Blot, Southern Blot, Western Blot, ELISA) and virological working methods (infection assays), as well as experience in the safe handling of infectious agents, in particular human or animal pathogenic hepatitis B and D viruses.
  • Knowledge of cell culture and various microscopy techniques is an advantage.
  • Experience in cloning and expression of viral or cellular genes in vitro is desirable.
  • Motivation, ability to work in a team, active participation in cross-site research and training activities as well as a high degree of initiative and creativity are required.
  • Very good English language skills and PC skills
  • The project involves working in a biosafety level S3** laboratory, for which documented, current protective immunity against HBV (anti-HBs titer >100 IU/L) is required.


Our offer to you

  • Participation in a current virological research project in an established and internationally recognized virological working group
  • Free use of local public transport (LandesTicket Hessen)
  • More than 100 training seminars, workshops, and e-learning opportunities per year for personal development, as well as a wide range of health and sports activities
  • Remuneration according to TV-H, company pension scheme, child allowance, and special payments
  • Good compatibility of family and career (certificate "audit familiengerechte hochschule")


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dieter Glebe (


JLU aims to employ more women in academic research. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply. JLU is regarded as a family-friendly university. Applicants with children are very welcome. Applications from disabled people of equal aptitude will be given preference.


You want to break new ground with us?

Apply via our online form by May 10th, 2024, indicating reference number 336/11. We look forward to receiving


