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Series of Guest Lectures by Prof.Assoc. Dr. Lindita Tahiri

Prof.Assoc. Dr. Lindita Tahiri (University of Prishtina) will give a series of guest lectures at JLU Giessen:


1. "Language as ideological construction: fiction, media and history"

(guest lecture in the context of Dr. T. Bernaisch's course "Introduction to English Linguistics")

Time and place:

Mon 19 Dec 2016, 12-14 c.t.

Philosophikum I, B 410

2. "Discourse and context: Internet activism and literature"

(guest lecture in the context of M. Nissel's seminar "Stylistics")

Tue 20 Dec 2016, 14-16 c.t.

Philosophikum I, B 428


3. "Language as ideological construction: fiction, media and history"

(guest lecture in the context of Dr. T. Bernaisch's course "Introduction to English Linguistics")

Time and place:

Wed 22 Dec 2016, 12-14 c.t.

Philosophikum I, B 410

4. "Language as ideological construction: fiction, media and history"

(guest lecture in the context of Dr. S. Götz's course "Introduction to English Linguistics")

Time and place:

Thu 22 Dec 2016, 12-14 c.t.

Philosophikum I, B 410