Dear Students,
In the upcoming summer term 2024, the Chair of Financial Services (BWLV) offers the course
"Sustainable Portfolio Management” (former Applied Portfolio Management and Sustainability)
(6CP) for Master students.
Students will improve their understanding of the key concepts of asset pricing and sustainable
investment management while being able to empirically implement these theoretical concepts
using data sets and programming skills. Module content consists of, but is not limited to:
- Multifactor models
- Cross-sectional anomalies
- Quantitative investment strategies
- ESG integration
- Performance evaluation of professional asset managers
At the end of the term, the students will present their results to one of the leading asset
managers for sustainability. We also welcome applications from Economics students as the
course will also cover causal inference topics and theoretical models.
Since we can only accept a limited number of participants, please send me a meaningful
performance record (and bachelor’s degree certificate, Flex Now Master and CV, if applicable)
with the keyword "ESG 2024". You will be notified by
04/10/2024 whether you have been accepted for the course.
Grading is based on a research paper and a presentation.
Best regards from
Herzlichen Dank an alle, die an unserem Gastvortrag zum Thema „Aktives vs. passives Portfoliomanagement“ im Rahmen unserer Behavioral Finance Vorlesung an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen teilgenommen haben.
Dabei geht ein besonderer Dank an unsere Gastredner, Herrn Ingo Mainert (Allianz Global Investors) und Herrn Thomas Meyer zu Drewer (Amundi Deutschland GmbH), die sich mit ihrer Expertise ein fesselndes Duell zwischen aktivem und passivem Portfoliomanagement geliefert haben.
Die Diskussion beider Sichtweisen mit vielen überzeugenden Argumenten war sehr aufschlussreich, wir alle nehmen wertvolle Erkenntnisse daraus mit.
Mit diesem erfolgreichen Jahresabschluss möchten wir auch herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße, sowie einen guten Start in das Jahr 2024 übermitteln!
Die Forschungsarbeit "Are sustainability-linked loans designed to effectively incentivize corporate sustainability? A framework for review" von Alix Auzepy, Christina E. Bannier, Fabio Martin wurde zur Publikation im Financial Management angenommen.
- Non-Rational Decision-Making (Topic)
- Framing Effect (Sub-Topic)
- Foreign Direct Investment (Topic)
- European Finance eJournal
- Sustainable Development (Topic)
- Other Investments (Topic)
- Human Behavior & Game Theory eJournal
- Consumer Behavioral Finance eJournal
- Corporate Governance & Finance eJournal
- International Political Economy: Investment & Finance eJournal
- Political Economy - Development: Environment eJournal