Anmeldung zu Pre-University Courses FB02

Registration for Pre-University Courses Faculty 02

I hereby register for the Pre-University Course “Buchführung”. (Accounting)
I hereby register for the Pre-University Course “Kostenrechnung”. (Cost accounting)
I hereby register for the Pre-University Course “Introduction to Microeconomics”.
I hereby register for the Pre-University Course “HGB”. (Commercial Code)
I agree to the collection, processing and use of my personal data by the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at JLU Giessen for the purpose of participating in the Pre-University Courses.


Wenn Sie eine Fehlermeldung beim Abschicken des Formulars erhalten, gehen Sie bitte wie vor, wie auf der folgenden Seite beschrieben:

If you receive an error message when submitting the form, please proceed as described on the following page: