Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Cremer, Annette C., Dr.

28196 | | Akademische Rätin

Dr. Annette Cremer

Tel: 0049-641-99-28196
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, D-35394 Gießen, Haus C Raum 103d



Dr. phil. Annette C. Cremer MA (Art History & English Literature), senior lecturer, 17th and 18th century European cultural history. Her main research interests are in the fields of early modern material culture, court studies and in the history of kunstkammer-collections. Her monograph on the dollhouse collection of Duchess Auguste Dorothea of Schwarzburg (1666-1751) was published in 2015. Together with other colleagues, she has edited three sets of conference proceedings on Objects as Sources of Cultural History (Objekte als Quellen der historischen Kulturwissenschaften, Wien/Köln/Weimar 2017), on Prince and Princess as Artists (Fürst und Fürstin als Künstler, Berlin 2018) and on Travelling Princesses (Prinzessin unterwegs. Reisen fürstlicher Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit, Berlin 2017). In Sept. 2018, together with colleagues of the TU Freiberg and the Schloßmuseum Arnstadt, she started a research project on 'Glass in Early Modern Thuringia', funded by the German ministry of education (BMBF). Visiting Fellow at the History Faculty, Cambridge 2018/19.