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Gießener Friend-Stiftung Sommerseminar mit Amy Kind (Claremont McKenna College)

Friend-Stiftung Sommerseminar 2022 - Ein Überblick


Video vom Eröffnungsvortrag von Prof. Amy Kind: »The Skill of Sensory Imagination« (16.5.2022)




Impressionen und Berichte 
»Since I am very interested in the (philosophy of the) imagination, I was excited about the opportunity to meet prof. dr. Amy Kind, one of the leading philosophers working in this field, during the Friend Summer seminar in Gießen. While the opening lecture on Monday evening already made it worth the trip, the following three days, which consisted of interactively-designed seminar sessions, as well as joint lunches and dinners with prof. Kind and the other seminar and staff members were undoubtedly the highlight of the experience. Not only did prof. Kind discuss three as-of-then-unpublished articles with us but she was also extremely approachable and friendly both in and outside the lecture hall. Furthermore, the relatively small size of our seminar group quickly lead to a feeling of familiarity, which enabled a comfortable atmosphere and encouraged lively conversations between all members. On topic, we discussed prof. Kind’s perspective on imagination as a skill that can be trained and used for a variety of tasks. Off-topic, we talked about the pros and cons of an academic career, the role of the philosophy of mind in the context of neuroscience, and our favorite movies. Since I was at the time still unsure whether I wanted to pursue a career in academic philosophy, talking with academics at all levels (PhDs, postdocs, professors) about their views and experiences was an extremely valuable experience and I have nothing but gratitude for the staff from the Justus-Liebig-Universität for creating this great opportunity. Sitting in a room (or a garden) with like-minded people and discussing your and their ideas, this is philosophy in its most pleasant form. I warmly recommend to anybody who finds that a topic of a future Friend Summer Seminar resonates with them to sign up for this unique and rewarding experience.«
Christian Scholz (Master Student, Amsterdam, NL/Bochum)
»I’m almost sure that every philosopher working on the imagination comes across Amy Kind’s ideas at some point in their research. After all, the U.S. philosopher is widely acknowledged as an authority in the current state of the art. Moreover, her papers are both insightful and clarifying – which is a match I always appreciate. Meeting her in person allowed me to realize that, beyond the philosopher, there also is a friendly person interested in others’ perspectives. Her workshop was focused on some recent proposals such as the notion of imaginative scaffolding, the role of creativity in our imaginative efforts and a skill-based account of the imagination (along with the awareness that we can train ourselves to become better imaginers!). I do believe that such an event was worthwhile for so many people at different stages of their careers and studies. Nothing else to say – many thanks to the University of Gießen for allowing me to live such an interesting experience.«
Daniele Molinari (PhD candidate, Parma, IT)

Das Sommerseminar

Im Sommerseminar The Skill of Imagination mit Amy Kind stand die Frage im Mittelpunkt, welche Rolle die Vorstellungskraft für unsere Kreativität und das Verstehen von anderen (auch fiktionalen) Personen spielt. In Amy Kinds Konzeption nimmt die Vorstellungskraft eine zentrale Rolle im menschlichen Leben ein, sodass eine Beschäftigung mit diesem Thema auch die ganz grundlegende Frage danach, was den Menschen und menschliche Tätigkeiten auszeichnet, verhandelt.



Amy Kind ist Professorin für Philosophie am Claremont McKenny College in Los Angeles. Neben der Vorstellungskraft beschäftigt sie sich mit Themen aus der Philosophie des Geistes, d. h. Überlegungen zur Beschaffenheit und philosophischen Erklärung unserer Gedanken, Erinnerungen, Gefühle, Wünsche und Absichten. Einen besonderen Fokus ihrer Arbeit bildet die Frage nach der personalen Identität, also der Frage danach, was uns als Menschen gegenüber anderen Lebewesen auszeichnet und was dafür verantwortlich ist, dass wir trotz aller äußerlichen und innerlichen Veränderungen vom Moment unserer Geburt bis zu unserem Tod dieselbe Person bleiben. Auftakt der Veranstaltung war der öffentliche Abendvortrag »The Skill of Sensory Imagination«.

Amy Kind Sommerseminar - Opening Public Lecture »The Skill of Sensory Imagination« (16th of May 2022)
Public Lecture »The Skill of Sensory Imagination« (16.5.2022)


Tuesday - Imagination, Creativity, and Skill

1. Imagination & Creativity, parts 1&2

2. Imagination & Creativity, parts 3&4

Wednesday - Treating Imagination as a Skill:  Issues and Payoffs

3. Fiction and Cultivation of Imagination

4. Bridging the Divide

Thursday - What Can Other Mental Skills Teach Us About Imagination?

5. Perceptual Expertise and Imaginative Skill

6. Memory, Imagination, and Skill

What doing philosophy of imagination looks like
What doing philosophy of imagination looks like
What philosophers of imagination look like
What philosophers of imagination look like
The Gießkannenmuseum. It's a pun and proof Germans are funny too.
The Gießkannenmuseum. It's a pun and proof that Germans are funny too.