Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Vortrag: "The role of symmetries and their geometry in concentration phenomena"

Mónica Clapp (UNAM Mexiko)


18.06.2014 von 17:00 bis 18:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Hörsaal des Mathematischen Instituts in der Arndtstraße 2, 1. Stock, Raum 111

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Ein Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars "Gruppen, Geometrie, Dynamik".




Many models for pattern formation in various branches of science (e.g. biology and chemistry) are based on the idea, proposed by Alan Turing in 1952, that in a system of equations modeling zwo interactive substances, different diffusion rates could lead to nonhomogeneous distributions of these substances. Often, one of them is highly concentrated in small areas, forming distinctive patterns like narrow peaks or spikes.

Showing existence and determining the profile of solutions for this type of models has been a very active area of research during the last three decades. Many results concerning concentration at a point or at a finite number of points are now available. Quite recently, solutions concentrating at higher dimensional manifolds have been shown to exist.

In this talk we will show how symmetries and their geometry play a role in producing solutions which concentrate at manifolds of different positive dimensions.


Der Institutsstee findet um 16.30 Uhr im Runden Zimmer der Bibliothek statt.


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