angenommen / preprint
Eskelin K, Mirka L, Coustau C, Imani J, Kogel KH, Poranen MM (accepted) Analysis and Purification of Ssrna and Dsrna Molecules Using Asymmetrical Flow Field Flow Fractionation.
Journal of Chromatography A.
Available at SSRN: or
Isaia Vardanega, Jan Eric Maika, Edgar Demesa-Arevalo, Tianyu Lan, Gwendolyn K. Kirschner, Jafargholi Imani, Ivan F. Acosta, Katarzyna Makowska, Götz Hensel, Thilanka Ranaweera, Shin-Han Shiu, Thorsten Schnurbusch, Maria von Korff Schmising and Rüdiger Simon (preprint, bioRxiv) CLAVATA signalling shapes barley inflorescence architecture by controlling activity and determinacy of shoot apical and rachilla meristems.
Richards L, Schäfer P, Soyer OS (preprint, bioRxiv) Ammonia leakage can underpin nitrogen-sharing among soil microbes. bioRxiv, 2024.04. 08.588523
Zheng, Y, Moorlach, B, Jakobs-Schönwandt, D, Patel, A, Pastacaldi, C, Jacob, S, Sede, AR, Heinlein, M, Poranen, MM, Kogel, KH, Ladera Carmona, M (2025) Exogenous dsRNA triggers sequence-specific RNAi and fungal stress responses to control Magnaporthe oryzae in Brachypodium distachyon. Commun Biol 8, 121, 2025.
Liu C, Lei L, Zhu J, Chen L, Peng S, Zhang M, Zhang Z, Tang J, Chen Q, Kong L, Zheng Y, Ladera-Carmona MJ, Kogel KH, Wei Y, Qi P (2024) FgGET3, an ATPase of the GET pathway, is important for the development and virulence of Fusarium graminearum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences;
Kogel, KH (2025) Lysozyme-coated LDHs boost trait control. Nat. Plants, 2025;
Galli, M, Sede, A, Heinlein, M, Kogel KH (2025) A biocontrol perspective on mycoviruses in fungal pathogen management. J Plant Dis Prot 132, 43, 2025.
Thieron, H, Krassini, L, Kwon, S, Fricke, S, Nasfi, S, Oberkofler, L, Ruf, A, Kehr, J, Kogel, KH, Weiberg, A, Feldbrügge, M, Robatzek, S, Panstruga, R (2024) Practical advice for extracellular vesicle isolation in plant–microbe interactions: Concerns, considerations, and conclusions. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 13, e70022.
Nasfi S, Shahbazi S, Bitterlich K, Šečić E, Kogel KH, Steinbrenner J (2024) A pipeline for validation of Serendipita indica effector-like sRNA suggests cross-kingdom communication in the symbiosis with Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2024; erae515
Ruf A, Thieron H, Nasfi S, Lederer B, Fricke S, Adeshara T, Postma J, Blumenkamp P, Kwon S, Brinkrolf K, Feldbrügge M, Goesmann A, Kehr J, Steinbrenner J, Šečić E, Göhre V, Weiberg A, Kogel KH, Panstruga R, Robatzek S, & on behalf of the exRNA consortium (2024) Broad-scale phenotyping in Arabidopsis reveals varied involvement of RNA interference across diverse plant-microbe interactions. Plant Direct, 8(11), e70017
Kogel KH, Galli M (2024) Hilfe aus der Molekularbiologie: Pflanzen produzieren unter natürlichen Bedingungen RNA-Moleküle, um Schadorganismen abzuwehren. Und solche Moleküle lassen sich auch als biologischer Pflanzenschutz ausbringen. Wie das funktioniert. DLG-Mitteilungen 8/2024
Kamboj A, Thielmann J, Delfan S, Manohr M, Schröder, F, Klessig DF, Kogel KH (2024) The Nematode Signaling Molecule ascr#18 Induces Prehaustorial Defenses in Wheat Against a Leaf Rust Fungus. J Plant Dis Prot;
Zhang Y, Yang Z, Yang Y, Han A, Rehneke L, Ding L, Wie Y, Liu Z, Meng Y, Schäfer P, Shan W (2024) A symbiont fungal effector relocalizes a plastidic oxidoreductase to nuclei to induce resistance to pathogens and salt stress. Current Biology, 2024
Rehneke L, Schäfer P (2024) Symbiont effector-guided mapping of proteins in plant networks to improve crop climate stress resilience. Symbiont effectors inform highly interconnected plant protein networks and provide an untapped resource for crop climate resilience strategies. BioEssays 46 (4), 2300172
Galli M, Feldmann F, Vogler UK Kogel KH (2024) Can biocontrol be the game-changer in integrated pest management? A review of definitions, methods and strategies. J Plant Dis Prot.
doi: 10.1007/s41348-024-00878-1 Shared link:
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) (2024) RNA Interference in Agriculture:Methods, Applications, and Governance. Issue Paper 72. CAST, Ames, Iowa. Authors: Darlington M, Kogel KH, Rathore KS, Professor, Smagghe G, Whyard S.
Liu C, Kogel KH, Ladera-Carmona MJ (2024) Harnessing RNA interference for the control of Fusarium species: A critical review. Molecular Plant Pathology.
Liu S, Ke Wang, Geng S, Hossain M, Ye X, Aili Li, Mao L, Kogel KH (2024) Enemies at peace: Recent progress in Agrobacterium-mediated cereal transformation. The Crop Journal
de Almeida Garrett AT, Figueiredo Filho A, Imani J, Álvaro Figueredo dos Santos, Evandro Vagner Tambarussi, Bueno de Camargo M, Flávio Augusto de Oliveira Garcia, Kogel KH (2024) Pathogenicity and symptomatology of Apoharknessia eucalyptorum on leaves and stems of Eucalyptus andCorymbia. Eur J Plant Pathol
Sacharow J, Salehi-Mobarakeh E, Ratering S, Imani J, Österreicher Cunh-Dupont A and Schnell S (2023) Control of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei on barley leaves by treatment with fungi-consuming protist isolates. Current Microbiology 80:384.
Galli M, Jacob S, Zheng Y, Ghezellou P, Gand M, Albuquerque W, Imani J, Allasia V, Coustau C, Spengler B, Keller H, Thines E, Kogel KH (2023) MIF-like domain containing protein orchestrates cellular differentiation and virulence in the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. iScience 26, 107565, Open AccessPublished: August 06, 2023;
Osborne, R., Rehneke, L., Lehmann, S. ... Schäfer, P. et al. (2023) Symbiont-host interactome mapping reveals effector-targeted modulation of hormone networks and activation of growth promotion. Nat Commun 14, 4065 (2023).
Lagunas, B., Richards, L., Sergaki, C. ... Schäfer, P. et al. (2023) Rhizobial nitrogen fixation efficiency shapes endosphere bacterial communities and Medicago truncatula host growth. Microbiome 11, 146 (2023).
Giridhar M, Meier B, Imani J, Kogel KH, Peiter E, Vothknecht UC, Chigri F (2023) Comparative analysis of stress-induced calcium signals in the crop species barley and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology (2022) 22:447.
Brambilla A, Lenk M, Ghirardo A, Eccleston L, Knappe C, Weber B, Lange B, Imani J, Schäffner A, Schnitzler JP, Vlot C (2023) Pipecolic acid synthesis is required for systemic acquired resistance and plant-to-plant-induced immunity in barley. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74 (10), 3033–3046, erad095, Published: 11 March 2023 (Editors’ Choice collection).
Üstüner S, Schäfer P, Eichmann R (2022) Development specifies, diversifies and empowers root immunity. EMBO reports 23 (12), e55631.
Schang AL, Van Steenwinckel J, Ioannidou ZS, Lipecki J, Rich-Griffin C, Woolley-Allen K, Dyer N, Le Charpentier T, Schäfer P, Fleiss B, Ott S, Sabéran-Djoneidi D, Mezger V, Gressens P (2022) Epigenetic priming of immune/inflammatory pathways activation and abnormal activity of cell cycle pathway in a perinatal model of white matter injury.
Cell Death & Disease 13 (12), 1-19.
Kissmann AK, Wolf D, Krämer M, Müller F, Amann V, Xing H, Gottschalk KE, Weil T, Eichmann R, Schäfer P, Rosenau F (2022)
Polyclonal Aptamer Libraries from a FluRoot-SELEX for the Specific Labeling of the Apical and Elongation/Differentiation Zones of Arabidopsis thaliana Roots.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (20), 12220.
Yang Y, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Niu L, Li W, Lu W, Li J, Schäfer P, Meng Y, Shan W (2022)
A mitochondrial RNA processing protein mediates plant immunity to a broad spectrum of pathogens by modulating the mitochondrial oxidative burst. The Plant Cell 34 (6), 2343-2363.
Nasfi S, Kogel KH (2022) Packaged or unpackaged: appearance and transport of extracellular noncoding RNAs in the plant apoplast. ExRNA.
Oluwashina O, Imani J (2022) Inhibitory effect of CUSTOS, a formulated allium-based extract, on the growth of some selected plant pathogens. Accepted in Int. J. Plant Biol. (ISSN 2037-0164) on 11 April 2022.
Galli M, Hochstein S, Iqbal D, Claar M, Imani J, Kogel KH (2022) CRISPR/SpCas9-mediated KO of epigenetically active MORC proteins increases barley resistance to Bipolaris spot blotch and Fusarium root rot. J Plant Dis Prot.
Lotz D, Imani J, Ehler K, Becker A (2022) Towards a genetic model organism: an efficient method for stable genetic transformation of Eschscholzia californica (Ranunculales). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult.
Baxter L, Roy P, Picot E, Watts J, Jones A, Wilkinson H, Schäfer P, Gifford M, Lagunas B (2021) Comparative Genomics across Three Ensifer Species Using a New Complete Genome Sequence of the Medicago Symbiont Sinorhizobium (Ensifer) meliloti WSM1022.
Microorganisms 9 (12), 2428.
Schäfer P (2021)
microRNAs-Game-changers in plant symbioses.
Journal of Plant Physiology 263, 153459-153459. PMID: 34198125
Lee M, Dominguez-Ferreras A, Kaliyadasa E, Huang WJ, Antony E, Stevenson T, Lehmann S, Schäfer P, Knight MR, Ntoukakis V, Knight H (2021) Mediator Subunits MED16, MED14, and MED2 Are Required for Activation of ABRE-Dependent Transcription in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in plant science 12, 649720.
Eichmann R, Richards L, Schäfer P (2021) Hormones as go-betweens in plant microbiome assembly. Plant J. 105:518-541.
Fusarium graminearum DICER-like-dependent sRNAs are required for the suppression of host immune genes and full virulence. PLoS One. 2021 Aug 5;16(8):e0252365.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252365 eCollection 2021.
Galli M, Martiny E, Imani J, Kumar N, Koch A, Steinbrenner J, Kogel KH (2021) CRISPR/ SpCas9‐mediated double knockout of barley Microrchidia MORC1 and MORC6a reveals their strong involvement in plant immunity, transcriptional gene silencing and plant growth. Plant Biotechnology Journal.
Kirschner GK, Rosignoli S, Guo L, Vardanega I, Imani J, Janine J, Milner SG, Balzano R, Nagel KA, Pflugfelder D, Forestan C, Bovina R, Koller R, Stöcker TG, Mascher M, Simmonds J, Uauy C, Schoof H, Tuberosa R, Salvi S, Hochholdinger F (2021). ENHANCED GRAVITROPISM 2 encodes a STERILE ALPHA MOTIF–containing protein that controls root growth angle in barley and wheatProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Aug 2021, 118 (35) e2101526118;
Kumar N, Galli M, Dempsey D, Imani J, Moebus A, Kogel KH (2021) NPR1 is required for root colonization and the establishment of a mutualistic symbiosis between the beneficial bacterium Rhizobium radiobacter and barley. Environmental Microbiology 23(4), 2102–2115; First published: 13 December 2020
Zanini S, Šečić E, Busche T, Galli M, Zheng Y, Kalinowski J, Kogel KH (2021) Comparative analysis of transcriptome and sRNAs expression patterns in the Brachypodium distachyon - Magnaporthe oryzae pathosystems. Int J Mol Sci 22(2), 650;
Liu S, Ladera-Carmona MJ, Poranen MM, van Bel AJE, Kogel KH, Imani J (2021) Evaluation of dsRNA delivery methods for targeting macrophage migration inhibitory factor MIF in RNAi-based aphid control. J Plant Dis Prot
Šečić E, Kogel KH (2021) Requirements for fungal uptake of dsRNA and gene silencing in RNAi-based crop protection strategies. Curr Opin Biotech 70:136-142;
Šečić E, Kogel KH, Ladera-Carmona MJ (2021) Biotic stress-associated microRNA families in plants (Invited Humboldt Review). J Plant Physiol;
Šečić E, Zanini S, Wibberg D, Jelonek L, Busche T, Kalinowski J, Nasfi S, Imani J, Thielmann J, Steinbrenner J, Kogel K-H (2021) A novel plant-fungal association reveals fundamental sRNA and gene expression reprogramming at the onset of symbiosis. BMC Biol 19, 171.
Rich-Griffin C, Eichmann R, Reitz MU, Hermann S, Woolley-Allen K, Brown PE, Wiwatdirekkul K, Esteban E, Pasha A, Kogel KH, Provart NJ, Ott S, Schäfer P (2020) Regulation of cell type-specific immunity networks in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Cell 32:2742-2762.
Lehmann S, Dominguez-Ferreras A, Huang WJ, Denby K, Ntoukakis V, Schäfer P (2020)
Novel markers for high-throughput protoplast-based analyses of phytohormone signaling.
Plos one 15 (6), e0234154.
Rich-Griffin C, Stechemesser A, Finch J, Lucas E, Ott S, Schäfer P (2020) Single-cell transcriptomics: a high-resolution avenue for plant functional genomics.
Trends in plant science 25 (2), 186-197.
Liu S, Jaouannet M, Dempsey D'M A, Imani J, Coustau C, Kogel KH (2020) RNA-based technologies for pest control in plant production.
Biotechnology Advances 39, 107463
Venneman J, Pawlick JS, Audenaert K, Meyerc E, Demeyere K, Leusd L, Baerte G, Kogel KH, Haesaert G, Vereecke D, Ehlers K (2020) Evaluation of genome size and quantitative features of the dolipore septum as taxonomic predictors for the Serendipita 'williamsii' species complex. Fungal Biology 124 (9), 781-800.
Alabid I, Hardt M, Imani J, Hartmann A, Rothballer M, Li D, Uhl J, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Glaeser S, Kogel KH (2020) The N-acyl homoserine-lactone depleted Rhizobium radiobacter mutant RrF4NM13 shows reduced growth promoting and resistance inducing activities in mono- and dicotyledonous plants. J Plant Dis Prot 127:769-781;
Galli M, Imani J, Kogel KH (2020) Labeling of dsRNA for Fungal Uptake Detection Analysis. In: Heinlein M. (eds) RNA Tagging. Methods Mol Biol. 2020; Vol. 2166:227-238. Humana, New York, NY. PMID: 32710412.
doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0712-1_13
Li T, Wang Q, Feng R, Li L, Ding L, Fan G, Li W, Du Y, Zhang M, Huang G, Schäfer P, Meng Y, Tyler BM, Shan W (2019)
Negative regulators of plant immunity derived from cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenases are targeted by multiple Phytophthora Avr3a‐like effectors.
New Phytologist.
Eichmann R, Finch J, Schafer P (2019) flg22-induced root growth-immunity trade-offs can be overcome by de-repression of cell cycle arrest. 2019 IS-MPMI XVIII Congress.
Muchaa S, Heinzlmeir S, Kriechbaumer V, Strickland B, Kirchhelle C, Choudhary M, Kowalski N, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R, Grill E, Küster B, Glawischnig E (2019) The formation of a camalexin biosynthetic metabolon. Plant Cell 31:2697-2710.
Osborne R, Lehmann S, Roberts J, Nussbaumer T, Falter-Braun P, Schäfer P (2019) The evolution of effectome-based strategies to establish beneficial symbiosis. 2019 IS-MPMI XVIII Congress.
Lagunas B, Achom M, Bonyadi-Pour R, Pardal AJ, Richmond BL, Sergaki C, Vázquez S, Schäfer P, Ott S, Hammond J, Gifford ML (2019)
Regulation of resource partitioning coordinates nitrogen and rhizobia responses and autoregulation of nodulation in Medicago truncatula.
Molecular plant 12 (6), 833-846.
Klessig DF, Manohar M, Baby S, Koch A, Danquah WB, Luna E, Park, Turgeon BG, Nelson R, Leach JE, Williamson VM, Kogel KH, Kachroo A, Schroeder FC (2019) Nematode ascaroside enhances resistance in a broad spectrum of plant-pathogen systems. J Phytopathol 167, 265-272;
Gaffar FY, Imani J, Karlovsky P, Koch A, Kogel KH (2019) Different components of the RNAi machinery are required for conidiation, ascosporogenesis, virulence, DON production and fungal inhibition by exogenous dsRNA in the Head Blight pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Front Microbiol 10:1662
Michelet C, Danchin EGJ, Jaouannet M, Bernhagen J, Panstruga R, Kogel KH, Keller H Coustau C (2019) Cross-kingdom analysis of diversity, evolutionary history and site selection within the eukaryotic Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor superfamily. Genes 10, 740
Koch A, Höfle L, Werner BT, Imani J, Schmidt A, Jelonek L, Kogel KH (2019) SIGS vs HIGS: A study on the efficacy of two dsRNA delivery strategies to silence Fusarium FgCYP51 genes in infected host and non-host plants. Mol Plant Pathol 20(12):1636-1644
Šečić E, Zanini S, Kogel KH (2019) Further elucidation of the ARGONAUTE and DICER protein families in the model grass species Brachypodium distachyon. Front Plant Science.
Quareshy M, Prusinska J, Kieffer M, Fukui K, Pardal AJ, Lehmann S, Schafer P, CI Del Genio, S Kepinski, K Hayashi, A Marsh, RM Napier (2018)
The tetrazole analogue of the auxin indole-3-acetic acid binds preferentially to TIR1 and not AFB5.
ACS Chemical Biology 13 (9), 2585-2594.
Sergaki C, Lagunas B, Lidbury I, Gifford ML, Schäfer P (2018) Challenges and approaches in microbiome research: from fundamental to applied.
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1205.
Jiang X, Zerfaß C, Feng S, Eichmann R, Asally M, Schäfer P, Soyer OS. (2018) Impact of spatial organization on a novel auxotrophic interaction among soil microbes. ISME J. 12:1443-1456.
Cai Q, He B, Kogel KH & Jin H (2018) Cross-kingdom RNA trafficking and environmental RNAi — nature’s blueprint for modern crop protection strategies. Current Opinion Microbiology 46, 58-64.
Kumar N, Galli M, Ordon J, Stuttmann J, Kogel KH, Imani J (2018) Further analysis of barley MORC1 using a highly efficient RNA-guided Cas9 gene editing system.
Plant Biotechnol J.
Taghinasab M, Imani J, Steffens D, Glaeser, SP, Kogel KH (2018) The root endophytes Trametes versicolor and Piriformospora indica increase grain yield and P content in wheat.
Plant and Soil.
Koch A, Stein E, Kogel KH (2018) RNA-based disease control as a complementary measure to fight Fusarium fungi through silencing of the Azole target cytochrome P450 lanosterol C-14 α-demethylase. Eu J Plant Pathol.
Garrett T de A, Imani J, Tambarussi EV, Garcia F. A. de O., Kogel KH, A. Filho F (2018) First report of Apoharknessia eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus dunnii in Brazil. Forest Pathology.
Zanini S, Šečić E, Jelonek L, Kogel KH (2018) A bioinformatics pipeline for the analysis and target prediction of RNA effectors in bidirectional communication during plant-microbe interactions. Front Plant Sci.
Alabid I, Glaeser SP, Kogel KH (2018) Endofungal Bacteria Increase Fitness of their Host Fungi and Impact their Association with Crop Plants. Curr Issues Mol Biol 2;30:59-74.
Kirschner, G-K, Yvonne Stahl, Y, Imani, J, von Korff, M, Simon, R (2018) Fluorescent reporter lines for auxin and cytokinin signalling in barley (Hordeum vulgare). PLoS ONE 13(4).
Höfle L and Kogel KH (2018) RNA als neues Pflanzenschuzmittel. Der Pflanzenarzt. Österreichischer Agrarverlag.
Acevedo-Garcia J, Gruner K, Reinstädler A, Kemen A, Kemen E, Cao L, Takken FLW, Reitz MU, Schäfer P, O’Connell RJ, Kusch S, Kuhn H, Panstruga R (2017) The powdery mildew-resistant Arabidopsis mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant displays altered infection phenotypes with diverse types of phytopathogens.
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1-15.
Dalio RJD, Fleischmann F, Chambery A, Eichmann R, Massola Jr NS, Pascholati SF, Osswald W (2017) Immunodepletion of α-plurivorin effector leads to loss of virulence of Phytophthora plurivora towards Fagus sylvatica. Forest Pathol. 47:e12362.
Gaupels F, Durner J. Kogel KH (2017) Production, amplification and systemic propagation of redox messengers in plants? The phloem can do it all! New Phytologist.
Guo H, Glaeser SP, Alabid I, Imani J, Haghighi H, Kämpfer P, Kogel KH (2017). The Abundance of Endofungal Bacterium Rhizobium radiobacter (syn. Agrobacterium tumefaciens) Increases in Its Fungal Host Piriformospora indica during the Tripartite Sebacinalean Symbiosis with Higher Plants. Front Microbiol. 8:629.
Koch A, Kang HG, Steinbrenner J, Dempsey DA, Klessig DF, Kogel KH (2017) MORC proteins: novel players in plant and animal health. Front. Plant Sci.
Okubara P, Kumar N, Hohenwarter L, Graham D, Kandel S, Doty S, Micknass U, Kogel KH, Imani J (2017) Inhibition of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens by VEG’LYS®, an Allium-based antimicrobial formulation. J Biology and Nature, 8(2): 40-51
Naz S, Khan SN, Imani J, Mohy-Ud-Din G, Farooq S (2017). Geographical distribution of myrothecium leaf spot disease of Momordica charantia L. Caused by Myrothecium roridum tode in agro-ecological zones of Punjab, Pakistan. P. J. Bot., 49 (4):1599-1604
Samadi S, Ghasemnezhad A, Imani J (2017). Extending shelf life of strawberry using some pre-storage treatments. Acta Hortic. 1156, 643-652.
Kogel KH, Imani J, Kumar N, Koch A (2017) The agronomic potential of gene silencing applications. In: Deising HB; Fraaije B; Mehl A; Oerke EC; Sierotzki H; Stamler G (Eds), “Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds”, Vol VIII, pp. 25-32. Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft Braunschweig, ISBN: 978-3-941261-15-0
Koch SA, Biedenkopf D, Furch A, Weber L, Rossbach O, Abdellatef E, Linicus L, Johannsmeier J, Jelonek L, Goesmann A, Cardoza V, McMillan J, Mentzel T, Kogel KH (2017) An RNAi-based control of Fuarium graminearum infections through spraying of long dsRNAs. In: Deising HB; Fraaije B; Mehl A; Oerke EC; Sierotzki H; Stamler G (Eds), “Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds”, Vol VIII, pp. 63-66. Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft Braunschweig, ISBN: 978-3-941261-15-0
Lareen A, Burton F, Schäfer P (2016) Plant root-microbe communication in shaping root microbiomes.
Plant molecular biology 90 (6), 575-587.
Glaeser SP, Imani J, Alabid I, Guo H, Kämpfer P, Hardt M, Blom J, Goesmann A, Rothballer M, Hartmann A, Kogel KH (2016) Non-pathogenic Rhizobium radiobacter F4 deploys plant beneficial activity independent of its host Piriformospora indica. ISME 10(4), 871-884.
Gaupels F, Furch F, Zimmermann M, Chen F, Kaever V, Buhtz A, Kehr J, Sarioglu H, Kogel KH, Durner (2016) Systemic induction of NO-, redox- and cGMP signalling in the pumpkin extrafascicular phloem upon local leaf wounding. Front. Plant Sci. - Plant Physiology 7.
Musetti R, Pagliari L, Buxa SV, Degola F, De Marco F, Loschi A, Kogel KH, van Bel AJ (2016) OHMS**: phytoplasmas dictate changes in sieve-element ultrastructure to accommodate their requirements for nutrition, multiplication and translocation. Plant Signal Behav. J 11(2), e1138191.
Okubara PA, Leston N, Micknass U, Kogel KH, Imani J (2016) Rapid Quantitative Assessment of Rhizoctonia Resistance in Roots of Selected Wheat and Barley Genotypes. Plant Disease 100, 640-644.
Koch A, Biedenkopf D, Furch A, Weber L, Rossbach O, Abdellatef E, Linicus L, Johannsmeier J, Jelonek L, Goesmann A, Cardoza V, McMillan J, Mentzel T, Kogel KH (2016) An RNAi-based control of Fusarium graminearum infections through spraying of long dsRNAs involves a plant passage and is controlled by the fungal silencing machinery. PLOS Pathogens.
Patron NJ, Orzaez D, Marillonnet S, Warzecha H, Matthewman C, ... Schäfer P … et al. (2015)
Standards for plant synthetic biology: a common syntax for exchange of DNA parts. New Phytologist 208 (1), 13-19.
Eichmann R, Schäfer P (2015) Growth versus immunity-a redirection of the cell cycle? Curr Opin Plant Biol. 26: 106-112.
Reitz MU, Gifford ML, Schäfer P (2015) Hormone activities and the cell cycle machinery in immunity-triggered growth inhibition.
Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (8), 2187-2197, 2015.
Lagunas B, Schäfer P, Gifford ML (2015)
Housing helpful invaders: the evolutionary and molecular architecture underlying plant root-mutualist microbe interactions.
Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (8), 2177-2186.
Abdellatef E, Will T, Koch A, Imani J, Vilcinskas A, Kogel KH (2015) Silencing the expression of the salivary sheath protein causes transgenerational feeding suppression in the aphid Sitobion avenae. Plant Biotechnology Journal.
Manosalva P, Manohar M, Kogel KH, Kang HG, Klessig F (2015) The GHKL ATPase MORC1 modulates species-specific plant immunity in Solanaceae. MPMI
Schubert M, Houdelet M, Kogel KH, Fischer R, Schillberg S, Nölke G (2015) Thanatin confers partial resistance against aflatoxigenic fungi in maize (Zea mays). Transgenic Research.
Manosalva P, Manohar M, von Reuss S, Chen S, Koch A, Kaplan F, Choe A, Micikas R, Wang X, Kogel KH, Sternberg P, Williamson V, Schroeder F, Klessig D (2015) Conserved nematode signaling molecules elicit plant defenses and pathogen resistance. Nature Communication 6, 7795.
Buxa SV, Degola F, Polizzotto R, De Marco F, Loschi A, Kogel KH, Di Toppi LS, Van Bel A, Musetti R (2015) Phytoplasma infection in tomato is associated with re-organization of plasma membrane, ER stacks and actin filaments in sieve elements. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Akum FN, Steinbrenner J, Biedenkopf D, Imani J, Kogel KH (2015) The Piriformospora indica effector PIIN_08944 promotes the mutualistic Sebacinalean symbiosis. Front Plant Sci. 26;6:906.
Samadi S, Ghasemnezhad A, Naz S, Imani J (2015) An Approved Protocol for Cynara scolymus and Momordica charantia seed surface sterilization for pre-explant in-vitro culture using Allium Extract. Journal of Biology and Nature 4(1), 47-55 ISSN No. : 2395-5376 (Print), 2395-5384 (Online)
Selim M, Berkelmann-Löhnertz B, Kogel KH, Reineke A (2015) Plant-pest interactions under elevated CO2 concentration in the system grapevine (Vitis vinifera) – downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) – grape berry moth (Lobesia botrana). Procedia Environmental Sciences 29, 135-136.
Doehlemann G, N Requena N, Schaefer P, Brunner F, O'Connell R, Parker JE (2014)
Reprogramming of plant cells by filamentous plant‐colonizing microbes.
New Phytologist 204 (4), 803-814.
Brandizzi F, Frigerio L, Howell SH, Schäfer P (2014) Endoplasmic reticulum—shape and function in stress translation.
Frontiers in plant science 5, 425.
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Weis C, Hildebrandt U, Hoffmann T, Hemetsberger C, Pfeilmeier S, König C, Schwab W, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R. (2014) CYP83A1 is required for metabolic compatibility of Arabidopsis with the adapted powdery mildew fungus Erysiphe cruciferarum. New Phytol. 202: 1310-1319.
Furch ACU, Zimmermann MR, Kogel KH, Reichelt M, Mithöfer A (2014) Direct and individual analysis of stress-related phytohormone dispersion in the vascular system of Cucurbita maxima after flagellin 22 treatment. New Phytologist.
Langen G, von Einem S, Koch A, Imani J, Pai S, Manohar M, Ehlers K, Choi HW, Claar M, Schmidt R, Mang HG, Bordiya Y, Kang HG, Klessig DF, Kogel KH (2014) The Compromised Recognition of Turnip Crinkle Virus1 Subfamily of Microrchidia ATPases Regulates Disease Resistance in Barley to Biotrophic and Necrotrophic Pathogens. Plant Physiology 164, 866-878.
Kecskeméti E, Brathuhn A, Kogel KH, Berkelmann-Löhnertz B, Reineke A (2014) Presence of transposons and mycoviruses in Botrytis cinerea isolates collected from a German grapevine growing region. Journal of Phytopathology.
Baumgardt K, Charoenpanich P, McIntosh M, Schikora A, Stein E, Thalmann S, Kogel KH, Klug G, Becker A, Evguenieva-Hackenberg E (2014) RNase E affects the expression of the acyl-homoserine lactone synthase gene sinI in Sinorhizobium meliloti". Journal of Bacteriology 196, 1435-1447.
Hernández-Reyes C, Schenk ST, Neumann C, Kogel KH, Schikora A (2014) N-acyl-homoserine lactones-producing bacteria protect plants against plant and human pathogens. Microb Biotechnol. 7, 580-588.
Pöppel AK, Koch A, Kogel KH, Vogel H, Kollewe C, Wiesner J, Vilcinskas A (2014) Lucimycin, an antifungal peptide from the therapeutic maggot of the common green bottle fly Lucilia sericata. Biological Chemistry 6, 649–656.
Koch A, Kogel KH (2014) New wind in the sails: improving the agronomic value of crop plants through RNAi-mediated gene silencing. Plant Biotechnology Journal.
Liu D, Leib K, Zhao P, Kogel KH, Langen G (2014) Phylogenetic analysis of barley WRKY proteins and characterization of HvWRKY1 and 2 as repressors of the pathogen-inducible gene HvGER4c. Mol Genet Genomics.
Neumann C, Fraiture M, Hernàndez-Reyes C, Akum FN, Virlogeux-Payant I, Chen Y, Pateyron S, Colcombet J, Kogel KH, Hirt H, Brunner F, Schikora A (2014) The Salmonella effector protein SpvC, a phosphothreonine lyase is functional in plant cells. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Dey S, Wenig M, Langen G, Sharma S, Kugler KG, Knappe C, Hause B, Bichlmeier M, Babaeizad V, Imani J, Janzik I, Stempfl T, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH, Mayer KF, Vlot AC (2014) Bacteria-triggered systemic immunity in barley is associated with WRKY and ETHYLENE RESPONSIVE FACTORs but not with salicylic acid. Plant Physiol. 166(4):2133-51.
Van Bel AJE, Furch ACU, Will T, Buxa SV, Musetti R, Hafke JB (2014) Spread the news: systemic dissemination and local impact of Ca2+ signals along the phloem pathway. Journal of Experimental Botany 65(7), 1761–1787.
Zuccaro A, Lahrmann U, Langen G (2014) Broad compatibility in fungal root symbioses. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2014 Jun 11; 20C:135-145.
Koch A, Kogel KH (2014) Neue RNA-basierte Techniken – ein Paradigmenwechsel im Pflanzenschutz. Mühle und Mischfutter.
Reitz M, Pai S, Imani J, Schäfer P (2013)
New insights into the subcellular localization of Tubby-like proteins and their participation in the Arabidopsis-Piriformospora indica interaction.
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Jacobs S, Kogel KH, Schäfer P (2013)
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Hückelhoven R, Eichmann R, Weis C, Hoefle C, Pröls RK (2013) Genetic loss of susceptibility: a costly route to disease resistance? Plant Pathol. 62 (Suppl.1).
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Ostertag M, Stammler J, Douchkov D, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R (2013) The conserved oligomeric Golgi complex is involved in penetration resistance of barley to the barley powdery mildew fungus. Mol. Plant. Pathol. 14: 230-240.
Musetti R, Buxa SV, De Marco F, Loschi A, Polizzotto R, Kogel KH, van Bel AJ (2013) Phytoplasma-triggered Ca2+ influx is involved in sieve-tube blockage. MPMI 26(4):379-386
Harrach BD, Baltruschat H, Barna B, Fodor J, Kogel KH (2013). The mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica protects barley roots from a loss of antioxidant capacity caused by the necrotrophic pathogen Fusarium culmorum. MPMI 26(5):599-604
Rafiqi M, Jelonek L, Akum NF, Zhang F and Kogel KH (2013) Effector candidates in the secretome of Piriformospora indica, a ubiquitous plant associated fungus. Front. Plant Sci. 4:228.
Nagarajan S, Kogel KH, Zadoks C (2013) Influence of the Arabian Sea tropical cyclone and the Western Disturbance on the appearance of Puccinia graminis f. sp tritici virulence Ug99-TTKSK in Iran in 2007. Current Science 105(2):164-166
Zarkani AA, Stein E, Röhrich CR, Schikora M, Evguenieva-Hackenberg E, Degenkolb T, Vilcinskas A, Klug G, Kogel KH, Schikora A (2013) Homoserine lactones influence the reaction of plants to rhizobia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14(8):17122-17146.
Thomanek H, Schenk ST, Stein E, Kogel KH, Schikora A, Maison W (2013) Modified N-acyl-homoserine lactones as chemical probes for the elucidation of plant-microbe interactions. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry.
Koch A, Kumar N, Weber L, Keller H, Imani J, Kogel KH (2013) Host-induced gene silencing of cytochrome P450 lanosterol C14α-demethylase–encoding genes confers strong resistance to Fusarium species. PNAS.
doi:10.1073/pnas.1306373110 (PDF)
Will T, Furch ACU and Zimmermann MR (2013). How phloem-feeding insects face the challenge of phloem-located defenses. Front. Plant Sci. 4:336.
Imani J, Schenck S, Schikora A, Kogel KH (2013) Bakterielle Kommunikation in der Rhizosphäre: Effekte des Quorum Sensing auf die Pflanzengesundheit. Mitteilungen Agrarwissenschaften 24, 118-120.
Khatabi B, Schäfer P (2012)
Ethylene in mutualistic symbioses.
Plant signaling & behavior 7 (12), 1634-1638.
Reitz M, Bissue JK, Zocher K, Attard A, Hückelhoven R, Becker K, Imani J, Eichmann J, Schäfer P (2012) The subcellular localization of Tubby-like proteins and participation in stress signaling and root colonization by the mutualist Piriformospora indica. Plant Physiology 160(1):349-364.
Eichmann R, Schäfer P (2012)
The endoplasmic reticulum in plant immunity and cell death.
Frontiers in plant science 3, 200, 2012.
Khatabi B, Molitor A, Lindermayr C, Pfiffi S, Durner J, von Wettstein D, Kogel KH, Schäfer P (2012) Ethylene Supports Colonization of Plant Roots by the Mutualistic Fungus Piriformospora indica. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35502
Qiang X, Zechmann B, Reitz MU, Kogel KH, Schäfer P (2012) The mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica colonizes Arabidopsis roots by inducing an ER stress-triggered caspase-dependent cell death. Plant Cell 24(2):794-809
doi:10.1105/tpc.111.093260 *Faculty of 1000*
Qiang X, Weiss M, Kogel KH, Schäfer P (2012) Piriformospora indica-a mutualistic basidiomycete with an exceptionally large plant host range. Molecular Plant Pathology 13(5):508–518.
Selim M, Legay S, Berkelmann-Löhnertz B, Langen G, Kogel KH, Evers D (2012) Identification of suitable reference genes for real-time RT-PCR normalization in the grapevine-downy mildew pathosystem. Plant Cell Rep 31, 205-216.
Schenk S, Stein E, Kogel KH, Schikora A (2012) Arabidopsis growth and defense are modulated by bacterial quorum sensing molecules. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7(2):178-181.
Vijayan* S., Imani* J, Tanneeru K, Guruprasad L, Kogel KH, Kirti PB (2012) Enhanced antifungal and insect a-amylase inhibitory activities of Alpha-TvD1, a peptide variant of Tephrosia villosa defensin (TvD1) generated through in vitro mutagenesis. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Peptides 33(2):220–229.
Schikora M, Neupane B, Madhogaria S, Koch W, Cremers D, Hirt H, Kogel KH, Schikora A (2012) An image classification approach to analyze the suppression of plant immunity by the human pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium. BMC Bioinformatics 13, 171.
Koch A, Khalifa W, Langen G, Vilcinskas A, Kogel KH and J Imani (2012) The antimicrobial peptide thanatin reduces fungal infections in Arabidopsis. Journal of Phytopathology 160(10):606-610.
Wen S, Wen N, Pang J, Langen G, Brew-Appiah RAT, Mejias JH, Osorio C, Yang M, Gemini R, Moehs CP, Zemetra RS, Kogel KH, Liu B, Wang X, Diter von Wettstein D, Rustgi S (2012) Structural genes of wheat and barley 5-methylcytosine DNA glycosylases and their potential applications for human health. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci USA 109, 20543-20548.
Kang HG, Hyong WC, von Einem S, Manosalva P, Ehlers K, Liu PP, Buxa SV, Moreau M, Mang HG, Kachroo P, Kogel KH, Klessig DF (2012) CRT1 is a nuclear-translocated MORC endonuclease that participates in multiple levels of plant immunity. Nature Comm 3:1297. *Faculty of 1000*
Dorani-Uliaie E., B. Ghareyazie B., Farsi M., Kogel K.-H. and J. Imani (2012) Improved salt tolerance in canola (Brasica napus) plants by overexpression of Arabidopsis Na+/H+ antiporter gene AtNHX1. Journal of Plant Molecular Breeding (JPMB) 1:34-42.
Rafiqi M, Ellis JG, Ludowici VA, Hardham AR and Dodds PN (2012) Challenges and progress towards understanding the role of effectors in plant-fungal interactions. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 15(4):477-82.
Zimmermann MR, Hafke JB, van Bel AJE, Furch ACU (2012) Interaction of xylem and phloem during exudation and wound occlusion in Cucurbita maxima. Plant, Cell and Environment.
Nagarajan S, Kogel KH, Zadoks JC (2012) Epidemiology of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici-Ug99 in the Rift Valley "flyway" from Uganda-Kenya to Yemen. Plant Health Progress.
Wangorsch A, Weigand D, Peters S, Mahler V, Fötisch K, Reuter A, Imani J, Dewitt AM, Kogel KH, Lidholm J, Vieths S, Scheurer S. (2012) Identification of a Dau c PRPlike protein (Dau c 1.03) as a new allergenic isoform in carrots (cultivar Rodelika). Clin Exp Allergy. 2012 42 (1), 156-66.
Imani J, Li L, Schäfer P, Kogel KH (2011) STARTS - A stable root transformation system for rapid functional analyses of proteins of the monocot model plant barley. The Plant Journal 67 (4), 726-735.
Jacobs S, Zechmann B, Molitor A, Trujillo M, Petutschnig E, Lipka V, Kogel KH, Schäfer P (2011) Broad spectrum suppression of innate immunity is required for colonization of Arabidopsis thaliana roots by the fungus Piriformospora indica. Plant Physiology 156 (2),726-740.
Barna B, Jansen C, Kogel KH (2011) Sensitivity of barley leaves and roots to fusaric acid but not to H2O2 is associated with susceptibility to Fusarium infections. J Plant Pathology 159, 720-725.
Schikora A, Schenk ST, Stein E, Molitor A, Zuccaro A, Kogel KH (2011) N-acyl-homoserine lactone confers resistance towards biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens via altered activation of AtMPK6. Plant Physiology.
Voll LMV, Horst RJ, Voitsik AM, Zajic D, Samans B, Pons-Kühnemann J, Doehlemann G, Münch S, Wahl R, Molitor A, Hofmann J, Schmiedl A, Waller F, Deising HB, Kahmann R, Kämper J, Kogel KH, Sonnewald U (2011) Common motifs in the response of cereal primary metabolism to fungal pathogens are not based on similar transcriptional reprogramming. Frontiers in Plant Physiology 2 (39).
MolitorA, Zajic D, Voll LM, Pons-Kühnemann J, Samans B, Kogel KH, Waller F (2011) Barley leaf transcriptome and metabolite analysis reveals new aspects of compatibility and Piriformospora indica-mediated systemic induced resistance to powdery mildew.
24 (12), 1427-1439.Paulus KE, Mahler V, Pabst M, Kogel KH, Altmann F, Sonnewald U (2011) Silencing ß1,2-xylosyltransferase in transgenic tomato fruits reveals xylose as constitutive component of IgE binding epitopes. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Zuccaro A, Lahrmann U, Güldener U, Langen G, Pfiffi S, Biedenkopf D, Samans B, Wong P, Grimm C, Basiewicz M, Murat C, Martin F, Kogel KH (2011) Endophytic life strategies decoded by genome and transcriptome analyses of the mutualistic root symbiont Piriformospora indica. PLoS Pathogens 7 (10) e1002290.
Basiewicz M, Weiß, Kogel KH, Langen G, Zorn H, Zuccaro A. (2011) Molecular and phenotypic characterization of Sebacina vermifera strains associated with orchids, and the description of Piriformospora williamsii sp. nov. Mycological Research.
van Bel AJE, Knoblauch M, Furch ACU, Hafke JB (2011). (Questions)n on phloem biology. 1. Electropotential waves, Ca2+ fluxes and cellular cascades along the propagation pathway. Plant Science 181, 210-218.
van Bel AJE, Furch ACU, Hafke JB, Knoblauch M, Patrick JW (2011). (Questions)n on phloem biology. 2. Mass flow, molecular hopping, distribution patterns and macromolecular signalling. Plant Science 181, 325-330.
Langen G, Kogel KH, von Wettstein D (2011) „Glutenfreier“ Weizen: Neue Hoffnung für Zöliakiepatienten? Spiegel der Forschung 1, 12-19.
Jansen C., Kogel KH. (2011) Insect Antimicrobial Peptides as New Weapons Against Plant Pathogens. In: Vilcinskas A. (eds) Insect Biotechnology. Biologically-Inspired Systems, vol 2. Springer, Dordrecht. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. pp 123-144.
Peters S, Imani J, Mahler Vet al. Dauc 1.01 and Dau c 1.02-silenced trans-genic carrot plants show reduced aller-genicity to patients with carrot allergy. Transgenic Res 2011, 20:547–56.
Kogel KH, Voll LM, Schäfer P, Jansen C, Wuc Y, Langen G, Imani J, Hofmann J, Schmiedl A, Sonnewald S, von Wettstein D, Cook J, Sonnewald U (2010) Transcriptome and metabolome profiling of fieldgrown transgenic barley lack induced differences but show cultivar-specific variances. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (14), 6198-6203.
Schäfer P (2010)
Interaction at a dark site-the efficiency of the mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica in plant root colonization.
Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 428, 65.
Imani J, Li L, Kogel KH, Schäfer P (2010)
Root transformation for genetic analysis of physiology of barley roots and its stress behaviour. Julius-Kühn-Archiv, 428, 202.
Schäfer P (2010) Molecular mechanisms of the colonization of plant roots by the mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica and other mycorrhizal fungi. Habilitation, 2010.
Eichmann R, Bischof M, Weis C, Shaw J, Lacomme C, Schweizer P, Duchkov D, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Hückelhoven R (2010). BAX INHIBITOR-1 is required for full susceptibility of barley to the barley powdery mildew fungus. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 23: 1217-1227.
Achatz B, von Rüden S, Andrade D, Neumann E, Pons-Kühnemann J, Kogel KH, Franken P, Waller F (2010) Root colonization by Piriformospora indica enhances grain yield in barley under diverse nutrient regimes by accelerating early plant development. Plant and Soil 333 (1), 59-70.
Peters* S, Imani* J, Mahler V, Foetisch K, Kaul S, Paulus KE, Scheurer S, Vieths S, Kogel KH (2010) Reduced allergenicity of carrot roots harvested from Dau c 1.01 and Dau c 1.02–silenced transgenic carrot plants. *These authors contributed equally. Transgenic Res. 20, 547-556.
Achatz B, Kogel KH, Franken P, Waller F (2010) Piriformospora indica mycorrhization increases grain yield by accelerating early development of barley plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5, 1-3.
von Wettstein D, Rustgi S, Kannangara CG, Ankrah N, Wen S, Brew-Appiah RAT, Wen N, Gemini R, Brueggeman R, Reisenauer P, Gill KS, Liu B, Pang J, Wang X, Claar M, Langen G, Kogel KH (2010). Multipronged approach to develop nutritionally improved celiac safe wheat varieties. Annual Wheat Newsletter 56, 261-264.
Schikora M, Schikora A, Kogel KH, Koch W, Cremers D (2010) Probabilistic classification of disease symptoms caused by Salmonella on Arabidopsis plants. GI Jahrestagung (2), volume 176 of LNI, page 874-879.
Schäfer P, Pfiffi S, Voll LM, Zajic D, Chandler PM, Waller F, Scholz U, Pons-Kühnemann J, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U, Kogel KH (2009) Manipulation of plant innate immunity and gibberellin as factor of compatibility in the mutualistic association of barley roots with Piriformospora indica. The Plant Journal 59 (3), 461-474.
Schäfer P, Pfiffi S, Voll LM, Zajic D, Chandler P, Waller F, Scholz U, Pons-Kühnemann J, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U, Kogel KH (2009) Phytohormones in plant root-Piriformospora indica mutualism. Plant signaling & behavior 4 (7), 669-671.
Fodor J, Harrach BD, Kiraly L, Barna B, Kogel KH, Schafer P (2009) Comparative analysis of barley roots challenged with two Basidimycete fungi: pathogenic Rhizoctonia solani AG-8 and symbiotic Piriformospora indica. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 31 (1 Suppl.).
Schäfer P, Kogel KH (2009)
The Sebacinoid Fungus Piriformospora indica: an Orchid Mycorrhiza Which May Increase Host Plant Reproduction and Fitness.
Plant relationships, 99-112, 2009.
The Mycota, Vol. 5, Plant Relationships. H.B. Deising and K. Esser. eds. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
Pathuri IP, Imani J, Babaeizad V, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R (2009). Ectopic expression of barley constitutively activated ROPs supports susceptibility to powdery mildew and bacterial wildfire in tobacco. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 125: 317-327.
Pathuri IP, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R (2009). Plant small monomeric G-proteins (RAC/ROPs) of barley are common elements of susceptibility to fungal leaf pathogens, cell expansion and stomata development. Plant Signal. Behav., 4, 109-110.
Babaeizad V, Imani J, Kogel KH, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R (2009). Over-expression of the cell death regulator BAX inhibitor-1 in barley confers reduced or enhanced susceptibility to distinct fungal pathogens. Theor. Appl. Genet. 118: 455-463.
Molitor A, Kogel KH (2009) Induced resistance triggered by Piriformospora indica. Plant Signaling & Behavior 4, 1-2.
Zuccaro A, Basiewicz M, Zurawska M, Biedenkopf D, Kogel KH (2009) Karyotype analysis, genome organization, and stable genetic transformation of the root colonizing fungus Piriformospora indica. Fungal Genetics and Biology 46 (2009) 543–550.
Pathuri IP, Imani J, Babaeizad V, Kogel KH, Eichmann R, Hueckelhoven R (2009) Ectopic expression of barley constitutively activated ROPs supports susceptibility to powdery mildew and bacterial wildfire in tobacco. European Journal of Plant Pathology 125 (2), 317-327.
Rahnamaeian M, Langen G, Imani J, Khalifa W, Altincicek B, von Wettstein D, Kogel KH, Vilcinskas A (2009) Insect peptide metchnikowin confers on barley a selective capacity for resistance to fungal ascomycetes pathogens. Journal of Experimental Botany 60, 4105-4114.
Felle H, Waller F, Molitor A, Kogel KH (2009) The mycorrhiza fungus Piriformospora indica induces fast root surface pH signalling and primes systemic alkalinisation of the leaf apoplast upon powdery mildew infection. MPMI 22, 1179-1185.
Frederico AM, Campos MD, Cardoso HG, Imani J, Arnholdt-Schmitt B. (2009) Alternative oxidase involvement in Daucus carota L. somatic embryogenesis. Physiologia Plantarum 137: 498–508.
Neumann KH, Kumar A, Imani J (2009) Plant Cell and Tissue culture. A Tool in Biotechnology - Basics and Application. Springer Verlag Approx. 330 p. 154 illus., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-540-93882-8
Sharma M, Kogel KH (2009) Fungal isolates of the order Sebacinales provide growth promotion and systemic disease resistance to barley. Proceedings of the meeting "Molecular Tools for Understanding and Improving Biocontrol" at Interlaken (Switzerland) September 9-12, 2008. IOBC wprs Bulletin Bulletin OILB srop 43, 2009 211-215.
Weigand D, Peters S, Foetisch K, Lidholm J, Mahler V, Kogel K, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Imani J (2009) RNAi-mediated allergen suppression in carrots. 28th Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), Warsaw, Poland, June 06-10. (Oral and poster presentation, abstract no. 1424 & 1464). Allergy 2009, 64 (s90), 554 & 558.
Sharma M, Schmid M, Rothballer M, Hause G, Zuccaro A, Imani J, Kämpfer P, Domann E, Schäfer P, Hartmann A, Kogel KH (2008) Detection and identification of mycorrhiza helper bacteria intimately associated with representatives of the order Sebacinales. Cellular microbiology 10 (11), 2235-2246.
Baltruschat B, Fodor J, Harrach B, Niemczyk E, Schwarzinger I, Barna B, Gullner G, Alga Zuccaro, Patrick Schäfer, Kogel KH, Skoczowski A (2008) Salt tolerance of barley induced by the root endophyte Piriformospora indica is associated with a strong increase in antioxidants. New Phytologist 180 (2), 501-510.
Conrath U, Hoefle C, Schultheiss H, Eichmann R, Frank M, Hueckelhoven R... Schäfer P, Pfiffi S, Sonnewald S, Waller F, Pons-Kühnemann J, Sonnewald U, Kogel KH… et al. (2008)
Report on the Annual Meeting of the Working Croup 'Host-Parasite Interactions'. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 115 (3), 139-143.
Felle H, Herrmann S, Schäfer P, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2008) Interactive signal transfer between host and pathogen during successful infection of barley leaves by Blumeria graminis and Bipolaris sorokiniana. Journal of plant physiology 165 (1), 52-59.
Waller F, Mukherjee K, Achatz B, Deshmukh S, Sharma S, Schäfer P, Kogel KH (2008) Systemic and local modulation of plant responses by Piriformospora indica and related Sebacinales Species. Journal of plant physiology 165 (1), 60-70.
Schultheiss H, Preuss J, Pircher T, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R (2008). Barley RIC171 interacts with RACB in planta and supports entry of the powdery mildew fungus. Cell. Microbiol. 10: 1815-1826.
Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R (2008). Accommodation of powdery mildew fungi in intact plant cells. J. Plant Physiol. 165: 1-18.
Kogel KH (2008) Compatible host-microbe interactions: Mechanistic studies enabling future agronomical solutions. Journal of Plant Physiology 165, 1-4.
Korell M, Eschholz TW, Eckey C, Biedenkopf D, Kogel KH, Friedt W, Ordon F (2008) Development of a cDNA-AFLP derived CAPS marker co-segregating with the powdery mildew resistance gene Mlg in barley. Plant Breeding 127, 102-104.
Gaupels F, Furch ACU, Will T, Mur LAJ, Kogel KH, van Bel AJE (2008) Nitric oxide generation in Vicia faba phloem cells reveals them to be sensitive detectors as well as possible systemic transducers of stress signals. New Phytologist 178, 634-646.
Gaupels F, Buhtz A, Knauer A, Deshmukh S, Waller F, van Bel AJE, Kogel KH, Kehr J (2008) Adaptation of aphid stylectomy for analyses of proteins and mRNAs in barley phloem sap. Journal of Experimental Botany 59, 3297 - 3306.
Pathuri IP, Zellerhoff N, Schaffrath U, Hensel G, Kumlehn J, Kogel KH, Eichmann R, Hückelhoven R (2008) Barley constitutively activated ROPs modulate epidermal cell size, defense reactions and interactions with fungal leaf pathogens. Plant Cell Reports 27, 1877–1887.
Stein E, Molitor A, Kogel KH, Waller F (2008) Systemic Resistance in Arabidopsis Conferred by the Mycorrhizal Fungus Piriformospora indica Requires Jasmonic Acid Signaling and the Cytoplasmic Function of NPR1. Plant Cell Physiology 49, 1747-1751.
Mouhanna, A.M., Langen, G., Schlösser, E. (2008) Weeds as alternative hosts for BSBV, BNYVV, and the vector Polymyxa betae (German isolate) Unkräuter als alternative Wirte für BSBV, BNYVV und den Vektor Polymyxa betae (deutsches Isolat). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 115 (5), 193-198.
Dorani Uliaie E., M. Farsi, Behzad Ghreyazie and J. Imani (2008) Effects of genotype and AgNO3 on shoot regeneration in winter cultivars of rapeseed (Brassica napus). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 11(16): 2040-43.
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Schäfer P, Khatabi K, Kogel KH (2007) Root cell death and systemic effects of Piriformospora indica: a study on mutualism.
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Imani J., H. Lorenz, K.-H. Kogel and D. Glebe (2007) Transgenic Carrots: Potential Source of Edible Vaccines. J. Verbr. Lebensm. 2. Supplement 1: 105.
Deshmukh S, Kogel KH (2007) Piriformospora indica protects barley from root rot caused by Fusariumgraminearum. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 114, 263-268.
Jansen C, Kogel KH (2007) Neue Erkenntnisse zur Ährenfusariose von Gerste und Weizen. Biospektrum 13, 142-144.
Jansen C, Sonnewald U, Biemelt S, Schäfer W, Maier F, Kogel KH (2007) GABI-AGROTEC: Genetische Mechanismen bei der Abwehr von Fusariumpilzen in Getreidezellen liefern Grundlagen zur gezielten Verbesserung der Krankheitsresistenz. Genomexpress 1, 23.
Waller F, Achatz B, Kogel KH (2007) Analysis of the plant protection potential of the root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica in cereals. In: Soil Biology vol 11: Advanced Techniques in Soil Microbiology; eds A Varma, R Oelmüller. Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 343354.
Heibertshausen, D.; Baus-Reichel, O.; Hofmann, U.; Kogel, K.-H. und Berkelmann-Löhnertz, B. (2007) Untersuchungen des BÖL-Verbundprojektes zur Kupferminimierung im ökologischen Weinbau. [Studies on copper minimisation in organic viticulture.] Vortrag at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.
Heibertshausen D, Baus-Reichel O, Hofmann U, Kogel KH, Berkelmann-Loehnertz B (2007) Using Copper in Organic Viticulture: Doing it best with less? 3rd QLIF Congress Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007 Archived at
Deshmukh S, Hückelhoven R, Schäfer P, Imani J, Sharma M, Weiß M, Waller F, Kogel KH (2006) The root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica requires host cell death for proliferation during mutualistic symbiosis with barley. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (49), 18450-18457.
Deshmukh SD, Schäfer P, Imani J, Waller F, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2006). Mutualistic Piriformospora indica requires host cell death for proliferation in barley roots. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 113: 141. In Deising, H.B. Report on the Annual Meeting of the Working Group Host-Parasite Interactions. J Plant Dis Prot 113, 135–142 (2006).
Deising HB, Nowara D, Schweizer P, Douchkov D, Zierold U, Himmelbach A, Masur C, Jouanin L, Schlaich N, Richter C, Prüfer D, Moerschbacher BM, Koch M, Vorwerk S, Sharifi-Sirchi G, Olivieri N, Schlaich NL, Preuss J, Schultheiss H, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R... Deshmukh SD, Schäfer P, Imani J, Waller F… et al. (2006)
Report on the Annual Meeting of the Working Group Host-Parasite Interactions.
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 113 (3), 135-142.
Eichmann R, Biemelt S, Schäfer P, Scholz U, Jansen C, Felk A, ScWeeds as alternative hosts for BSBV, BNYVV, häfer W, Langen G, Sonnewald U, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2006)
Macroarray expression analysis of barley susceptibility and nonhost resistance to Blumeria graminis.
Journal of plant physiology 163 (6), 657-670.
Eichmann R, Dechert C, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2006) Transient over-expression of barley BAX Inhibitor-1 weakens oxidative defence and MLA12-mediated resistance to Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. Mol. Plant Pathol. 7, 543-552.
Waller F, Achatz B, Schafer P, Deshmukh D, Baltruschat H, Franken P, Kogel KH (2006)
Molekulare Analyse der durch den Wurzelendophyten Piriformospora indica hervorgerufenen Ertragsanstieg und Pathogenresistenz in Gerste.
Mitteilungen der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft 400, 258.
Kogel KH, Imani J, Huckelhoven R, Jansen C, Langen G, Baltruschat H, Waller F, Schafer P, Altincicek B, Vilcinskas A (2006)
Biotechnology in Cereals: Quo Vadis?
Mitteilungen der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft 400, 354.
Schäfer P1, Jain SK1, Delineau M, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2006). Cytological analysis of organ-specific resistance responses to Bipolaris sorokiniana in oat. In: Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds IV. H.W. Dehne, U. Gisis, K.H. Kuck, P.E. Russell, and H. Lyr (eds.). The British Crop Production Council, Alton, Hampshire, UK, p. 183-192. (1Both authors contributed equally)
Langen G, Imani J, Altincicek B, Kieseritzky G, Kogel KH, Vilcinskas A (2006) Transgenic expression of gallerimycin, a novel antifungal insect defensin from greater wax moth Galleria mellonella, confers resistance to pathogenic fungi in tobacco. Biol. Chem. 387, 549-557.
Imani J, Baltruschat H, Stein E, Jia G, Vogelsberg R, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2006) Expression of barley BAX Inhibitor-1 in carrots confers resistance to Botrytis cinerea. Mol. Plant Pathol. 7, 279-284.
Kogel KH, Franken P, Hückelhoven R (2006) Endophyte or parasite - what decides? Current Opinion in Plant Biology 9, 358-363.
Opalski KS, Hückelhoven R, Tresch S, Kogel KH, Grossmann K, Köhle H (2006) Metrafenone: studies on the mode of action of a novel cereal powdery mildew fungicide. Pest Management Science 62, 393-401.
An Q, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH, van BelAJE (2006) Multivesicular Bodies Participate in Vesicle-Associated Resistance Response to Pathogen in Plants. Cellular Microbiology 8, 1009-1019.
A Q, Ehlers K, Kogel KH, van Bel AJE, Hückelhoven R (2006) Multivesicular compartments proliferate in susceptible barley and resistant MLA12-barley leaves in response to infection by the biotrophic barley powdery mildew fungus. New Phytologist 172, 563-576.
Trujillo M, Altschmied L, Schweizer P, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2006) Respiratory burst oxidase homologue A of barley contributes to penetration by the powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. Journal of Experimental Botany 57, 3781-3791.
Ibeagha A, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2005) Model wheat genotypes as tools to uncover effective defense mechanisms against the hemibiotrophic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana. Phytopathology 95 (5), 528-532.
Heier T, Jain S, Kogel KH, Pons-Kühnemann J (2005) Influence of N-fertilization and fungicide strategies on Fusarium head blight severity and mycotoxin content in winter wheat. Journal of Phytopathology 153, 551-557.
Jansen C, Korell M, Eckey C, Biedenkopf D, Kogel KH (2005) Identification and transcriptional analysis of powdery mildew-induced barley genes. Plant Science 168, 373-380.
Opalski KS, Schultheiss H, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2005) The receptor-like MLO protein and the RAC/ROP family G-protein RACB modulate actin reorganization in barley attacked by the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. Plant Journal 41, 291-303.
Eisa S, Koyro HW, Kogel KH, Imani J (2005) Induction of somatic embryogenesis in cultured cells of Chenopodium quinoa. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 81, 243-246.
Waller F, Achatz B, Baltruschat H, Fodor J, Becker K, Fischer M, Heier T, Hückelhoven R, Neumann C, Franken P, Kogel KH (2005) The endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica reprograms barley to salt stress tolerance, disease resistance and higher yield. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 13386-13391.
Kogel KH and Langen G (2005) Induced Disease Resistance and Gene Expression in Cereals. Cellular Microbiology 7, 1555-1564.
Schultheiss H, Hensel G, Imani J, Broeders S, Sonnewald U, Kogel KH, Kumlehn J, Hückelhoven R (2005) Ectopic expression of constitutively activated RACB small GTPase in barley enhances susceptibility to powdery mildew and abiotic stress. Plant Physiology 139, 353-362.
Jansen C, von Wettstein D, Schäfer W, Kogel KH, Felk F, Maier FJ (2005) Infection patterns in barley and wheat spikes inoculated with wild type and trichodiene synthase gene disrupted Fusarium graminearum. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci USA 102, 16892-16897.
Eichmann R, Biemelt S, Schäfer P, Scholz U, Jansen C, Felk A, Schäfer W, Sonnewald U, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven (2005) Macroarray expression analysis of barley host susceptibility and non-host resistance to Blumeria graminis. J. Plant Physiol 163, 657-670.
Schäfer P, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2004) The White Barley Mutant Albostrians Shows a Supersusceptible but Symptomless Interaction Phenotype with the Hemibiotrophic Fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana.
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 17 (4), 366-373.
Felle H, Herrmann A, Hanstein S, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2004) Apoplastic pH-signaling in barley leaves attacked by the powdery mildew fungus (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei). MPMI 17, 118-123.
van Bel AJE, Gaupels F, Will T, Kogel KH (2004) Phloem-mediated remote control by long-distance signals. Progress in Botany 65, 371-393.
Eichmann R, Schultheiss H, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2004) The barley apoptosis suppressor homologue Bax-Inhibitor-1 compromises nonhost penetration resistance of barley to the inappropriate pathogen Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici. MPMI 17, 484-490.
Trujillo M, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2004) Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide play different roles in the nonhost interaction of barley and wheat with inappropriate formae speciales of Blumeria graminis. MPMI 17, 304-312.
Schäfer P, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2004) The white barley mutant albostrians shows a super-susceptible but symptom-less interaction phenotype with the hemibiotrophic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana. MPMI 17, 366-373.
Jain S, Langen G, Hess W, Börner T, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2004) The white barley mutant albostrians that is super-susceptible to the hemibiotroph Bipolaris sorokiniana shows enhanced resistance to the biotroph Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. MPMI 17, 374-382.
Trujillo M, Troeger M, Niks RE, Kogel K-H, Hückelhoven R (2004) Mechanistic and genetic overlap of barley host and non-host resistance to Blumeria graminis. Molecular Plant Pathology 5, 389-396.
Eckey C, Korell M, Leib K, Biedenkopf D, Jansen C, Langen G, Kogel KH (2004) Identification of powdery mildew-induced barley genes by cDNA-AFLP: Functional assessment of an early expressed MAP kinase. Plant Molecular Biology 55, 1-15.
Kogel KH, Maier F, Jansen C, von Wettstein D, Fensch R, Schäfer W (2004) Cytological analysis of the infection course of Fusarium graminearum on barley caryopses. Proceedings Orlando pp. 467-470.
Jansen C, Kogel KH (2004) GABI-Agrotec: Ein nationales Verbundprojekt zur Sicherung der Nahrungsmittelqualität von Getreideprodukten durch Grüne Gentechnik. Spiegel der Forschung 21, pp 78-85.
Schäfer P (2003) Cytological and Molecular Investigations of Cereal Resistance Mechanisms Against the Hemibiotrophic Pathogen Bipolaris Sorokiniana (Teleomorph: Cochliobolus Sativus). PhD diss., 2003 .
Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2003) Reactive oxygen intermediates in plant-microbe interactions: Who is who in powdery mildew resistance? Planta 216, 891-902.
Hückelhoven R, Dechert C, Kogel KH (2003) Over-expression of barley BAX Inhibitor-1 induces enhanced accessibility to Blumeria graminis and breakdown of mlo-mediated penetration resistance in barley. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 5555-5560.
Schultheiss H, Dechert C, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2003) Functional analysis of barley RAC/ROP G-protein family members in susceptibility to the powdery mildew fungus. Plant Journal 36, 589-601.
Schultheiss H, Dechert C, Beckhove U, Király L, Fodor J, Michel K, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2003) Functional Assessment of the pathogenesis-related protein Pr-1B in barley. Plant Science 165, 1275-1280.
Jansen C, von Rüden S, Fensch R, Kogel K-H (2003): Consistency between degree of susceptibility of barley root and spike tissue to Fusarium culmorum. Mycotoxin Research 19, 134-138.
Kumar J, Schäfer P, Hückelhoven R, Langen G, Baltruschat H, Stein E, Nagarajan S, Kogel KH (2002) Bipolaris sorokiniana, a cereal pathogen of global concern: cytological and molecular approaches towards better control. Molecular plant pathology 3 (4), 185-195.
Schäfer P, Kogel KH (2002) Bipolaris sorokiniana – Zytologische Untersuchungen als Basis zur Identifizierung von Resistenzmechanismen in Getreide. 53. Pflanzenschutztagung in Bonn, 16.-19.09.2002, Mitt. Biol. Bundesanst. Land- Forstwirtsch. 390, 2002, Parey Buchverlag Berlin.
Schäfer P, Hückelhoven R, Langen G, Kumar J, KH Kogel (2002). Bipolaris sorokiniana on cereals: a new model for molecular work on hemibiotrophy (abstract only). Plant Protection Science 38: 245 (SI 1 - 6th Conf EFPP).
doi: 10.17221/10374-PPS
Sauerborn J, Buschmann H, Ghiasvand G, Kogel KH (2002) Benzothiadiazole activates resistance in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) to the root-parasitic weed Orobanche cumana. Phytopathology 92, 59-64.
Schultheiss H, Dechert C, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2002) A small GTP-binding host protein is required for entry of powdery mildew fungus into barley cells. Plant Physiology 128, 1447-1454.
Kumar J, Schäfer P, Hückelhoven R, Langen G, Baltruschat H, Stein E, Nagarajan S, Kogel KH (2002) Pathogen Profile: Bipolaris sorokiniana, a cereal pathogen of global concern. Cytological and molecular approaches towards better control. Molecular Plant Pathology 3, 185-195.
Geldermann U, Kogel KH (2002). Nature's Concept: The new agriculture amidst ecology, economy and the demythologization of the gene.
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 188, 368.
Kogel KH (2002) Nature's Concept: Die Agrarwende zwischen Ökologie, Ökonomie und der Entmythologisierung des Gens. Gießener Universitätsblätter 34/35, pp. 135-147.
Kogel KH (2002) Gene Technology and Plant Protection: Safety by means of improved gene function analysis and expression control. In: Schwellenwerte für Produkte aus gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen. DFG Senatskommission zur Beurteilung von Stoffen in der Landwirtschaft. Mitteilung 7, Wiley-VCH Weinheim, pp. 66-71.
Király L, Kumar J, Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2002) mlo5, a resistance gene effective against a biotrophic pathogen (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei) confers enhanced susceptibility of barley to the necrotrophic fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana (teleomorph: Cochliobolus sativus). Acta Biologica Szegediensis 46, 135-136.
Geldermann U, Langen G, Kogel KH (2002) Promoter studies of chemically-induced BCI-genes in the pathosystem barley - powdery mildew. Plant Protection Science 38, 487-489.
Hückelhoven R, Trujillo M, Dechert C, Schultheiss H, Kogel KH (2002) Functional studies on the role of reactive oxygen intermediates in the resistance of barley against powdery mildew. Plant Protection Science 38, 458-460.
Schultheiss H, Dechert C, Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (2002) Knock-down of the small G-protein RACB enhances penetration-resistance of barley against the powdery mildew fungus. Plant Protection Science 38, 477-479.
Kumar J, R Hückelhoven, U Beckhove, S Nagarajan and KH Kogel (2001) A Compromised Mlo Pathway Affects the Response of Barley to the Necrotrophic Fungus Bipolaris sorokiniana (Teleomorph: Cochliobolus sativus) and Its Toxins. Phytopathology 91, 127-133.
Hückelhoven R, Dechert C, Kogel KH (2001) Non-host resistance of barley is associated with a hydrogen peroxide burst at sites of attempted penetration by wheat powdery mildew fungus. Molecular Plant Pathology 2, 199-205.
Hückelhoven R, Dechert C, Trujillo M, Kogel KH (2001) Differential expression analysis of putative cell death regulator genes in near-isogenic, resistant and susceptible barley lines during interaction with the powdery mildew fungus. Plant Molecular Biology 47, 739-748.
Bochow H, KH Kogel, M. Poehling, H. van Alten, U. Wyss (2001) Mechanisms of interactions in the system of plant, parasite and beneficial organisms. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz 108, 626-652.
Kumar J, G. Langen, E Stein, KH Kogel (2001) Chemically induced resistance in monocots with emphasis on barley. In: Role of resistance in intensive agriculture. Eds: Nagarajan, D.P. Singh; Kalyani Publishers New Delhi, pp. 216- 222.
Beßer K, Jarosch B, Langen G, Kogel KH (2000) Expression analysis of genes induced in barley after chemical activation reveals distinct disease resistance pathways. Molecular Plant Pathology 1, 277-286.
Hückelhoven R, Trujillo M, Kogel KH (2000) Mutations in Ror1 and Ror2 genes cause modification of hydrogen peroxide accumulation in mlo-barley under attack from the powdery mildew fungus. Molecular Plant Pathology 1, 287-292.
Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (2000) Association of hydrogen peroxide accumulation with expression of Pr-1 during defense of barley against the powdery mildew fungus. Acta Phytopathologica Entomologica Hungarica 35, 231-238.
Hückelhoven R, Fodor J Trujillo M, Kogel KH (2000) Barley Mla- and Rar-mutants compromised in the hypersensitive cell death response against Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei are modified in their ability to accumulate reactive oxygen intermediates at sites of fungal invasion. Planta 212, 16-24.
Hückelhoven R, Kumar J, Kogel KH (2000) Interdisziplinäre Grundlagenforschung im Bereich der Krankheitsresistenz von Getreidepflanzen. Spiegel der Forschung 17, 1, 21-30.
Kogel KH, Hückelhoven R (1999) Superoxide generation in chemically activated resistance of barley in response to inoculation with the powdery mildew fungus. J Phytopathology 147, 1-4.
Hückelhoven R, Fodor J, Preis C, Kogel KH (1999) Hypersensitive Cell Death and Papilla Formation in Barley Attacked by the Powdery Mildew Fungus are Associated with H2O2 Accumulation but are not Accompanied by Enhanced Concentrations of Salicylic Acid. Plant Physiology 119, 1251-1260.
Jarosch B, Kogel KH, Schaffrath U (1999) The ambivalence of the barley Mlo locus: mutations conferring resistance against powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei) enhance susceptibility to the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. MPMI 12, 508-514.
Hause B, Vörös K, Kogel KH, Beßer K, Wasternack C (1999) A jasmonate-responsive lipoxygenase of barley leaves is induced by plant activators but not by pathogens. J Plant Physiology 154, 459-462.
Kogel KH (1999) Perspektiven für die Nutzung der Induzierten Resistenz bei Kulturpflanzen. Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung: Resistenzforschung und Resistenzzüchtung an Kulturpflanzen, Heft 46, ISSN 0723-7812.
Kogel KH (1999) Resistenzaktivierung in Kulturpflanzen. Ergebnisse landwirtschaftlicher Forschung, Heft XXIV, ISSN 0075 - 4609, 27-33.
Hückelhoven R, Kogel KH (1998) Tissue-specific superoxide generation at interaction sites in resistant and susceptible near-isogenic barley lines attacked by the powdery mildew fungus (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei). MPMI 11, 292-300.
Langen G, Hückelhoven R, Beßer B, Schaffrath U, Karl-Heinz Kogel (1998) Eine vorläufige Bewertung der Rolle von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies bei Abwehrreaktionen des Getreides gegenüber pilzlichen Pathogenen. Gesunde Pflanze 7, 196-202.
Kogel KH, Beckhove U, Jarosch B, Hückelhoven R, Schiffer, Beßer K, Langen G, Korell M (1998) Die Pflanze wehrt sich selbst: Resistenzaktivierung in Kulturpflanzen. Spiegel der Forschung 15, 2, pp 54-61.
Münch S, Neuhaus JM, Boller T, Kemmerling B, Kogel KH (1997) Expression of ß-1,3-glucanase and chitinase in healthy, stem rust-affected and elicitor-treated near-isogenic wheat lines showing Sr5 or Sr24-specified race-specific rust resistance. Planta 201, 235-244.
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Schiffer R, Görg R, Jarosch B, Beckhove U, Bahrenberg G, Kogel KH, Schulze-Lefert P (1997) Tissue dependence and differential cordycepin sensitivity of race-specific resistance responses in the barley-powdery mildew interaction. MPMI 10, 830-839.
Görlach J, Volrath S, Oostendorp M, Kogel KH, Beckhove U, Staub T, Ward E, Kessmann H, Ryals J (1996) Benzothiadiazole, a novel class of inducers of systemic acquired resistance, activates induced systemic resistance in wheat. Plant Cell 8, 629-643.
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