16th German Endocrine Brain Immune Network (GEBIN) Conference 2025
To contact the Local Organizers send a mail to gebin2025@uni-giessen.de!
The conference and the two satellite symposia combine the expertise of the German-Endocrine-Brain-Immune-Network (GEBIN), the recently established European Psychoneuroimmunology Network (EPN), and the Working Group Neuroimmunology of the German Society for Immunology (AKNI). In addition, with support of the Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior (CMBB), we are happy to annouce the GEBIN Short Educational Course, which together with the EPN Symposium on „Visceral-brain axis and life style interventions“ at castle Rauischholzhausen constitute training events for a new generation of young motivated researchers [Early Career Researchers (ECR)]. Moreover, the EPN Symposium on „Visceral-brain axis and life style interventions“ is complemented with an open oral session and a workshop on EPN Future Plan discussions is open to all interested PIs and ECRs.
The scope is to promote novel research on health challenges of substantial relevance. This course is in continuation of the EPN Autumn Schools Series to foster interactions between leaders and ECRs in traditionally separated research fields within the framework of Psychoneuroimmunology, endocrine-brain-immune interaction, and neuroimmunology. We aim at creating an attractive atmosphere to increase the interest of a new generation of scientists who should contribute to the development of an urgently needed integrative multidisciplinary medicine.
There are no fees for attendance of the GEBIN Short Educational Course or the EPN and AKNI Symposia.
16th GEBIN Conference 2025 in Gießen - Abstract Submission Information
2-day GEBIN Short Educational Course at Castle Rauischholzhausen: 02.09.-03.09.2025
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Application opens: 1st of February 25
Application deadline: 1st of April 25
Eligibility: Early Career Researchers (ECR); advanced students of Biology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Psychology, and related fields of study (only Master’s and PhD/doctoral students, and no longer than two-year post PhD) in the field of neuroscience, psychoneuroimmunology, immunology, endocrinology, integrative physiology/exercise physiology, brain/mind-body interaction. The number of participants is limited to 20.
GEBIN Short Educational Course application form (opens 1st of February 25)
Preliminary program (tba)
- 2-day GEBIN Short Educational Course at Castle Rauischholzhausen: 02.09.-03.09.2025
Venue: The 2025 GEBIN Short Educational Course will take place at Castle Rauischholzhausen http://www.schlosshotel-rauischholzhausen.de/schloss-rauischholzhausen
In 2025, GEBIN will again offer the traditional GEBIN Short Educational Course for Early Career Researchers of PNI-related fields of study.
Date and Time
September 2nd-3rd, 2025. Participating students are expected to arrive on September 1st in the evening. Dinner will not be provided the 1st of September.
Registration to the course should be sent per email to Adriana del Rey (delrey@mailer.uni-marburg.de) using the form that can be found in this link.
Participation Fee
As for all previous GEBIN Courses, there is no fee to attend the 2025 GEBIN Short Educational Course. We are extremely glad to announce that, thanks to the kind support of the Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior (CMBB), this year we will be able to cover the lodging (room and meals) at the Castle of the selected participants.
We strongly encourage the students attending the course to participate also at the 2025 GEBIN Conference that follows immediately after in Giessen (04.09-06.09.25), and at the two Symposia (European Psychoneuroimmunology Network on 03.09 in Rauischholzhausen and on 04.09 in Giessen, and Working Group Neuroimmunology of the German Society of Immunology on 06.09.25 in Giessen). For the GEBIN 2025 Conference, there is a reduced registration fee for students and early-career researchers.
Networking Session
Due to the strong appreciation of the Networking Session by participants of previous GEBIN Short Educational Courses, we decided to continue organizing it also this year.
During this Networking Session, students can present their ongoing research project(s) and discuss their results with teachers and participants of the 2025 GEBIN Short Educational Course.
How much time will be available for each presentation depends on how many participants express their willingness to do it. Please let us know if you are interested ! (to complete in registration form).
Please note that a presentation is not a requirement to participate at the Course, but it will be an excellent experience to do it!
Early Career Researchers (ECR)-Teacher Get-Together
In the evening the first day of the 2025 Short Educational Course (02.09), a Early Career Researchers (ECR)-Teacher Dinner will be organized for all participants free of charge (kindly supported by the Stiftung Immunität und Seele).
The final program of this year's Short Educational Course will be available via the following link (TBA).
EPN Satellite Symposium: 03.09.-04.09.2025
It is open to all interested PIs and ECRs; please register via the GEBIN-Conference link.
Venues: The EPN Satellite Symposia take place at:
-EPN Session I (03.09.2025): Castle Rauischholzhausen (http://www.schlosshotel-rauischholzhausen.de/schloss-rauischholzhausen)
-EPN Session II (04.09.2025): Lecture Hall of the Institute of Veterinary-Physiology & -Biochemistry (Frankfurter Str. 100, 35392 Giessen)
Registration opens: 1st of February 25
Abstract deadline: 1st of June 25 - authors can choose to publish their abstract in Neuroimmunomodulation (Karger) during submission
Registration deadline: 1st of June 25
Eligibility: Early Career Researchers (ECR) and principle investigators (PIs) in the field of neuroscience, psychoneuroimmunology, immunology, endocrinology, integrative physiology/exercise physiology, brain/mind-body interaction
- EPN Session I at castle Rauischholzhausen, 03.09.2025 (13:00-18:00):
- Visceral-brain communication & lifestyle interventions
- Open oral session & Interactive Workshop: Future of EPN
Invited speaker: Keith W. Kelley, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Immunophysiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Professor, Vin University, Hanoi, Vietnam, Visiting Scholar, Shenzhen University, China, Founding and Managing Associate Editor, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity-Integrative, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Title: "Global Psychoneuroimmunology Networks: PNIRSAsia-Pacific and PNIRSIbero-America"
Catering at the castle (incl. lunch, dinner, breakfast) during the stay at castle Rauischholzhausen for the Symposium Session I and the transfer from the castle to the conference venue in Giessen are subject to an additional fee of 70 Euro. Please choose attendance at the EPN Symposium I during registration. Lodging (room overnight) at the castle is not included but you can reserve a room directly with the castle administration after the 17th of February 2025 via info@schlosshotel-rauischholzhausen.de. The room fees need to be individually paid at the castle. The fee does not apply for ECR GEBIN Short Educational Course participants.
- EPN Session II in Giessen, 04.09.2025 (11:00-13:00):
- Immune-to-brain communication & Group-B-Streptococcus (GBS) infections
Link to application page (opens 1st of February 25)
Preliminary program (tba)
16th GEBIN Conference 2025 in Gießen 04.09.-06.09.2025
Venue: Lecture Hall of the Institute of Veterinary-Physiology & -Biochemistry (Frankfurter Str. 100, 35392 Giessen; Nr. 11 on the plan)
Registration opens: 1st of February 25
Abstract deadline: 1st of June 25 - authors can choose to publish their abstract in Neuroimmunomodulation (Karger) during submission
Early bird registration deadline: 1st of June 25
Eligibility: All PIs and Early Career Researchers (ECR) interested in the topics (*fees include catering & social event).
Satellite symposia: Attendance is recommended:
EPN: 03.09.-04.09.2025
AKNI: 06.09.2025
Early bird registration fees*: Regular: 190 €
ECR: 90 €
Late registration fees*: Regular: 240 €
ECR: 120 €
*fees include conference dinner
Link to application page (opens 1st of February 25)
Preliminary program (tba)
- 16th GEBIN Conference 2025: 04.-06.09.2025
The GEBIN meeting will include:
Enriching symposia and oral sessions
- Poster blitz & poster session
- ScienceSlam
- ECR awards for best talk
- Best poster award
- Aims and scope:
The scope is to promote novel research on health challenges of substantial relevance.
- The following topics will be covered:
Sepsis & Sickness Behavior
Keynote 1: Matthijs Kox, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Title: "Experimental human endotoxemia: an invaluable tool in understanding, gauging, and modulating the host response" -
Keynote 2: Prof Dr. H.A. Drexhage MD, PhD, medical immunologist, emeritus; Rotterdam
Title: "Stratifying Major Depressive Disorder in 4 immunotypes responding or not responding to different forms of add-on immunotherapy" -
Exercise (Psycho-) Immunology
Invited Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp Zimmer, Institute for Sport and Sport Science, Dortmund University
Title: „Interaction between the nervous system, immune system and exercise“ -
Early Career Researchers (ECR) Session on Science Communication
GEBIN2025 ScienceSlam: Join us for an exciting opportunity to showcase your research at our ScienceSlam! Engage with a dynamic audience, share your passion for science, and inspire others in a fun and competitive atmosphere. Contributions should not exceed 10 minutes. Best contributions are awarded with prizes sponsored by the JLU Nachwuchsförderung (total: 300€). -
Pain & Neurogenic Inflammation
Endocrinology & Stress
Invited speaker: Prof. Dr. Jan Tuckermann, PhD, Director of the Institute of Comparative Molecular Endocrinology (CME), President of the German Society of Endocrinology (DGE), University of Ulm
Title: "Non-genomic function of glucocorticoid action in immunemetabolism" -
Open Oral Session
AKNI satellite symposium entitled „Novel concepts in Neuroimmunology“: 06.09.2025
It is open to all interested PIs and trainees free of charge; please register via the GEBIN- Conference link.
Venue: Lecture Hall of the Institute of Veterinary-Physiology & -Biochemistry (Frankfurter Str. 100, 35392 Giessen; Nr. 11 on the plan)
Registration opens: 1st of February 25
Abstract deadline: 1st of June 25 - authors can choose to publish their abstract in Neuroimmunomodulation (Karger) during submission
Registration deadline: 1st of June 25
Eligibility: Early Career Researchers (ECR) and PIs in the field of neuroscience, psychoneuroimmunology, immunology, endocrinology, integrative physiology/exercise physiology, brain/mind-body interaction
Link to application page (opens 1st of February 25)
Preliminary program (tba)
Lodging during the conference
- Potential hotels in Giessen include:
https://www.hotel-bb.com/de/hotel/giessen-city (simple and small rooms, walking distance to the conference site 25 minutes)
http://tripinn-hotels.com/giessen/ (23 minutes walking distance to the conference site)
https://www.hotel-steinsgarten.de/en/ (35 minutes walking distance to the conference site)
https://restaurant-heyligenstaedt.de/ (more expensive but interesting style) - Rauischholzhausen castle:
If you want to stay over night at Rauischholzhausen castle, please contact info@schlosshotel-rauischholzhausen.de after the 17th of February 2025. You will need to reserve your room on your own cover these costs on site with the castle management.