Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

16th GEBIN Conference 2025 in Gießen - Abstract Submission

Specifications for abstracts to be submitted for the GEBIN Meeting and the EPN/AKNI satellite symposia.

General considerations (Abstracts that do not conform to the specifications detailed here will not be considered for publication.)

When writing your abstract and preparing your presentation, please keep in mind that you will present to listeners who come from many different disciplines and might not be aware of the conventions within your own field of research. Therefore, a concise and clear abstract is required. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of the research, methods adopted, the principal results and major conclusions. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract. The maximum length of the abstract is limited to 250 words.

We advise you to prepare the abstract as a Word or other text document first. Once you have completed this step, you can then copy and paste the text into the online portal. Use the word count function in order to make sure that your text is not too long since you will not be able to submit if your text exceeds 250 words.

Title of your abstract

Titles must be given in sentence case (not in capital or lower case only). Please find a short and interesting title and avoid abbreviations.


Without titles or degrees, one forename must be given in full. The list of authors should start with the presenting author, followed by the co-authors. All authors that are listed in the abstract must have approved it before it is submitted. Please refrain from adding any honorary authors.


Name and address of department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed. Please make sure that you enter the name of your institute in English. If there is more than one institution, you will be able to enter these institutions in a "numbered" (a, b, c, ...) list and you need to assign the correct number for each author. 


You will have the opportunity to let us know about your preferences to present your work (poster, oral talk; during the EPN sessions I or II, the GEBIN Meeting or the AKNI Symposium). Trainees may be selected for a Posterblitz (3 min oral talk to advertise your poster).

Publication of abstracts

Abstracts will be published in Neuroimmunomodulation (NIM). However, you can choose your abstract to be excluded from publication in NIM during the registration process. Moreover, abstracts that do not conform to the specifications detailed here will not be considered for publication.


Our portal will not allow special formatting like italicssubscripts or superscripts. For that reason, you will not be able to copy and paste pre-formatted text.

For the same reasons, please do enter the sub headings: introduction, methods, results and conclusion/discussion. To start new paragraphs with sub headings please enter single line breaks. If the space for your abstract is exceeded because of too many line breaks, you will not be able to submit it. Bulleted or numbered lists should be avoided as well. You will not have the opportunity to use special characters such as Ω, ψ etc..

You do have to use headings; thus, abstracts must be structured as follows:

  • Introduction: What is the major problem that prompted the study?
  • Methods: How was the study performed?
  • Results: Most important findings?
  • Conclusion/Discussion: Most important conclusion

The presenting author should be highlighted in bold.

Example of structured abstract:

Abstract Title

First Name(s) Surnamea, First Name(s) Surnameb, First Name(s) Surnamec, First Name(s) Surnamea

a Department, Institute/University/Hospital, City, (State,) Country b Department, Institute/University/Hospital, City, (State,) Country c Department, Institute/University/Hospital, City, (State,) Country

Introduction (Background/Aims): What is the major problem that prompted the study?

Methods: How was the study performed?

Results: What are the most important findings?

Conclusion: What is (are) the most important conclusion(s)?

Space limit: 3000 characters including spaces (maximum: 250 words excluding title and affiliations).

Start registration

Please click here for Registration and Abstract submission.