9. Dezember 2024 | Neue Publikation - "Seeds for Democratic Futures" hrg. Frederic Hanusch & Anna Katsman
Edited by Frederic Hanusch and Anna Katsman, Seeds for Democratic Futures is a 17-essay collection of thought-provoking, policy-relevant approaches to democratizing contemporary states and societies
- https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/planetarythinking/startseite/sammlung/seedsfordemo
- 9. Dezember 2024 | Neue Publikation - "Seeds for Democratic Futures" hrg. Frederic Hanusch & Anna Katsman
- 2024-12-09T11:00:00+01:00
- 2024-12-09T23:59:59+01:00
- Edited by Frederic Hanusch and Anna Katsman, Seeds for Democratic Futures is a 17-essay collection of thought-provoking, policy-relevant approaches to democratizing contemporary states and societies
09.12.2024 ab 11:00 Uhr (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)

In a world marked by rapid technological, political, and environmental change, democracy’s future seems increasingly uncertain. Key democratic pillars—such as freedom of expression, election integrity, the rule of law, and civil liberties—are under threat in many countries. While these turbulent times present various risks to democratic stability, Seeds for Democratic Futures offers strategies to reclaim, reinforce, and protect these fundamental elements in the face of modern autocratization.
Edited by Frederic Hanusch and Anna Katsman, Seeds for Democratic Futures is a 17-essay collection of thought-provoking, policy-relevant approaches to democratizing contemporary states and societies.
"Each essay aims to plant a seed, which carries the promise of democratic potentials. Dealing with topics like planetary change, AI, and plural knowledge systems, the book acts as an inspiration, calling for unorthodox, compassionate, and experimental approaches.”
Open Access— download it now!