Im Erscheinen
- Hanusch, F., Leggewie, C., Bauer, L.: The Planetary Condition (Elements in Earth System Governance). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (under contract)
- Hanusch, F., Katsman, A. (eds.): Seeds for Democratic Futures. Bielefeld: transcript. (under contract, a German edition will also be published)
- Hanusch, F., Katsman, A.: Introduction, in: Hanusch, F., Katsman, A. (eds.): Seeds for Democratic Futures. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Hanusch, F.: Planetary Democracy, in: Hanusch, F., Katsman, A. (eds.): Seeds for Democratic Futures. Bielefeld: transcript.
Hanusch, F.: The United Times – A Thought Experiment for Planetary Law, in: Kotzé, L. (ed.): Law and Planet Earth – Exploring New Frontiers in Earth System Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hanusch, F.: The Politics of Deep Time (Elements in Earth System Governance). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Leggewie, C., Hanusch, F.: Thought, in: Wallenhorst, N., Wulf, C. (eds.): Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer: Cham, 485-490.
- Leggewie, C., Hanusch, F.: Agenda, in: Wallenhorst, N., Wulf, C. (eds.): Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer: Cham, 1577-1581.
- Pauls, C., Oppelt, M., Weber, Nicki K., Huni Kui, N.I., Leggewie, C., Hanusch, F., Bauer, L., Hartl, C., Finkelstein, C., Chakrabarty, D., Mendoza, B., Schreurs, M.: Das Planetarische Politisch(e) Denken [Thinking the Planetary Politics, Thinking the Planetary Politically], in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly. 63:4, 703-728.
Hanusch F., Meisch, S.: The Temporal Cleavage: Populist Retrotopia vs Climate Emergency, in: Environmental Politics 31:5, 883-903.
Pauls, C., Oppelt, M., Weber, Nicki K., Huni Kui, N.I., Leggewie, C., Hanusch, F., Bauer, L., Hartl, C., Finkelstein, C., Chakrabarty, D., Mendoza, B., Schreurs, M.: Das Planetarische Politisch(e) Denken [Thinking the Planetary Politics, Thinking the Planetary Politically], in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly.63:4, 703-728.
- Hanusch, F., Leggewie, C., Meyer, E.: Planetar denken. Ein Einstieg. Bielefeld: transcript.
Asenbaum, H., Hanusch, F.: (De)Futuring Democracy. Labs, Playgrounds, and Ateliers as Democratic Innovations, in:Futures. 134: December 2021, 102836, 1-11.
Hanusch, F.: Embeddedness as an Integrative Quality Assessment Tool for Student-Centered Extracurricular Studies, in: HINT – Heidelberg Inspirations for Innovative Teaching. 2:2, 93-117.
- Hanusch, F.: Demokratie und Klimawandel, in: Demokratie gegen Menschenfeindlichkeit. 5:2, 18-21.
- Hanusch, F., Biermann, F.: Deep-time organizations: Learning institutional longevity from history, in: The Anthropocene Review. 7:1, 19-41.
- Hanusch, F.: Democracy and Climate Change. London/New York: Routledge.
- WBGU (Co-author): Development and justice through transformation: The Four Big ‘I’s, Special Report, Berlin: WBGU.
- Leggewie, C., Hanusch, F., Schmitt, L., Reicher, C.: Einleitung [Introduction], in: Leggewie, C., Reicher, C., Schmitt, L. (eds.): Geschichten einer Region. AgentInnen des Wandels für ein nachhaltiges Ruhrgebiet. Dortmund: Kettler, 8-17.
- WBGU (Co-author): Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities, Flagship Report, Berlin: WBGU.
- Hanusch, F.: The Role of Norms for U.S. Foreign Climate Policy, in: Sommer, Bernd (ed.): Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 77-105. Peer reviewed.
- Müngersdorff, M., Hanusch, F., Schad, M., Schmitt, L., Schönborn, S., Siepmann, M., Voss, E.: Building Europe‘s (Energy) Future. A Manifesto For a European Community for Energy Transition.
- Hanusch, F.: Zur Feindschaft zwischen Erkenntnisfortschritt und Plagiarismus [On the Enmity between the Advancement of Knowledge and Plagiarism], in: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (ZPol) 23:4, 627-638.
- WBGU (Co-author): Climate Protection as a World Citizen Movement, Special Report, Berlin: WBGU.
- WBGU (Co-author): Human Progress within Planetary Guard Rails. A Contribution to the SDG Debate, Policy Paper. Berlin: WBGU.
- Hanusch, F., Müngersdorff, M.: Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation, in: Leggewie, C., Zifonun, D., Lang, A., Siepmann, M., Hoppen, J. (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der Kulturwissenschaften, Bielefeld: transcript, 274-276.
- Hanusch, F., Müngersdorff, M., Voß, E.: Klimawandel als Chance für mehr Demokratie [Climate Change as a Chance for More Democracy], in: Kirchlicher Herausgeberkreis Jahrbuch Gerechtigkeit (eds.): Jahrbuch Gerechtigkeit V. Menschen, Klima, Zukunft, Glashütten: C & P Verlagsgesellschaft, 130-137.
- Fischer, B., Hanusch, F., Hörisch, J., Löw, F., Raecke, R., Schöneborn, K., Zech, J.: Ökosozial ist sexy - Über die soziale Dimension der Umweltpolitik [Eco-Social is sexy – On the Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy], in: Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte 57:5, 44-47.