Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Pavlina Miteva-Bölter


+49 641 99 12706

+49 641 99 12709

LinkedIn account


Academic Career

03/2019 - present

Doctoral candidate in Political Sciences | Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU)

PhD Project 'Policy Transfer from IOs to Single States: The Case of IOC-UNESCO and Marine Spatial Planning' 

09/2024 - present Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer | Center for International Development and Environmental Research | JLU
09/2024 - present Researcher/WP leader | BioValue Project (Horizon 2020) | JLU
03/2020 - present PMB Member | Project SDG Nexus Network | JLU 
01/2024 - 12/2024 Mentee | Mentoring Program 'Einstieg ins Wissenschaftsmanagement' | JLU
04/2024 - 09/2024 Lecturer | 'Gerechtigkeit in der Umweltpolitik' | Department of Political Science | JLU
05/2024 - 07/2024 Research Officer | EUPeace | JLU
10/2021 - 09/2023 Lecturer | 'Global Environmental Change: Climate and Ocean Governance' | Department of Political Science | JLU
08/2023 - 12/2023 Project coordinator | 'Women in Science Mentoring Program' PROMEMCI International | SDG Nexus Network
01/2021 - 01/2022 Research assistant | Panel on Planetary Thinking | JLU 
08/2015 - 08/2018   Lecturer | Faculty for Global Studies, University Anahuac México, Mexico City            
01/2018 - 03/2018 Researcher and interpreter | Reporters Without Borders, Media Ownership Monitor Mexico
07/2016 - 12/2017 Researcher and blogger | UNDP online platform            
01/2015 - 01/2016 Researcher and editor | Urban Development Plan for Tlaxco municipality, Mexico            
08/2015 - 09/2015 Lecturer | Ibero-American University and Museum for Memory and Tolerance, Mexico City
02/2015 - 03/2015 Researcher | Mexican Institute for Human Rights and Democracy, Mexico City            
05/2014 - 12/2014 Researcher | Development project for food security PESA, Huamantla, Mexico            
10/2013 - 05/2014 Research Assistant | Berlin School for Economics and Law            
10/2012 - 03/2014 MA in Political Economy of European Integration | Berlin School for Economics and Law
10/2004 - 06/2008 BA in Legal Studies | University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, North Macedonia            


Further Information

Affiliation and Memberships
  • Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) | JLU 
  • Department of Political Science | Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies | JLU 
  • Giessen Graduate Center (GGS) | Member of section 'Norms and Changes in Global Politics' | JLU
  • German Political Science Association (DVPW) | Member of working group 'Polar and Marine Policy' 
  • Panel on Planetary Thinking | JLU
  • Institute for International Political Economy Berlin | Berlin School for Economics and Law
Focus Area (ZEU) Climate & Environmental Change
Fields of Interest
  • Policy Transfer and Diffusion
  • Environmental Governance
  • Ocean Governance
  • Sustainable Food Systems
Project Involvement
  • Miteva-Bölter, P. (2024) The agency of IOC-UNESCO in shaping marine spatial planning as a novel policy solution, In: Jones, C. (Ed.) Governing Oceans, Policy Development, Implementation and Evaluation. University of St. Andrews, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK. DOI:10.4337/9781035315598.00014
  • Miteva P., Ruano E. & Jordan I. (2018) Latin America and the Caribbean: Strategies to Fight Hidden Hunger. In: Biesalski H.K. & Birner, R. (eds.) Hidden Hunger: Strategies to Improve Nutrition Quality. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 118, 167-175. DOI:10.1159/000484466.
  • Miteva P. (2014) The Impact of the Increasing Demand for Biofuels in the EU over the Possibility to Conduct Collective Action for Reaching a Common Good: The Changes in the Community-based Management of the Common Pastures in Ethiopia. Betzelt S., Evans T., Hein E., Herr H., Kronauer M., Mahnkopf B., Truger A. & Wissen M. (eds). Working Paper 37, Institute for International Political Economy, HWR Berlin.
  • Paper presentation "Causal Mechanisms behind the Policy Transfer of Marine spatial Planning from International to National Level". Offene Jahrestagung der DVPW-Themengruppe Polar- und Meerespolitik, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (February, 2024)
  • Presentation of PhD project "The Agency of the IOC-UNESCO in Supporting the Achievement of SDG 14 - Life Below Water". Hybrid Seminar JLU & University of Sydney: The SDG Nexus Across Global Value Chains (October 2023)
  • Paper presentation (and discussant) "The Agency of IOC-UNESCO in shaping Marine Spatial Planning as a Novel Policy Solution". IPSA World Congress 2023. Panel GS11.V19: Governance and Public Policies (July 2023).
  • Paper presentation "IOs as Producers of Public Policies: The Case of IOC-UNESCO and Marine Spatial Planning". Workshop 'Ocean Governance'. University of St. Andrews (April 2022).
  • Presentation of PhD project "Policy Transfer from IOs to Single States: The Case of Policy Transfer of Marine Spatial Planning to Colombia". DVPW Themengruppekolloqium, Working Group Polar- und Meerespolitik (November 2021).
  • Presentation of PhD concept paper "Supply-Driven Policy Transfer from IOs to Single States: The Case of Policy Transfer of Marine Spatial Planning to Colombia". GGS Colloquium - Section 'Norms and Change in Global Politics'/JLU (May 2021).
  • Presentation of PhD project "Marine and Coastal Governance: Marine Spatial Planning in Colombia". Regional Workshop on Latin America. SDG Nexus Network/JLU (January 2021).
  • Poster presentation "Land-based Marine Pollution through the Lenses of Integrated Marine Governance Mechanisms in Colombia" at the Winter School 'Ocean Governance for Sustainable Marine Ecosystems'. ZMT Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research/Universität Bremen (February 2020).
  • Master Thesis (1st Supervisor) "Understanding the Transition towards a Blue Economy: A Case Study in Guatemala" (May 2022)
  • Master Thesis (2nd Supervisor) "Main Actors and Instruments for Monitoring and Reporting of Sustainable Development Goal 16.5 Reduction of Corruption: The Case of Serbia" (April 2022)
  • Bachelor Thesis (2nd Supervisor) "Die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Friedensmissionen - eine theoriegeleitete Analyse" (June 2023)
  • Bachelor Thesis (2nd Supervisor) "Vergleichende Analyse der US-Aussenpolitik am Beispiel von Afghanistan und dem Irak" (October 2023)
  • Bachelor Thesis (2nd Supervisor) "Northern Ireland after the Troubles The role of Bottom-Up Conflict Resolution Approaches and its Impact on a Divided Society"