Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


The project is controlled by the Project Management Board (PMB), which develops, together with the partners, the strategic orientation of the network. The PMB is composed of seven people. Besides the Coordination, which consists of the project leader and the project manager, we have representatives for Research, Dissemination, and Education. The PMB is completed by an Equal Opportunities and Young Researchers representative.

Prof. Dr. Lutz Breuer 

Project Leader

Dr. Björn Weeser 

Project Manager 


Dr. Suzanne Jacobs

Young Researcher

Pavlina Miteva

Equal Opportunity


Prof. Dr. Martin Petrick


Prof. Dr. Ramona Teuber



Prof. Dr. Helmut Breitmeier


The members of the Project Advisory Board were selected based on the relevance of their expertise in the context of the SDGnexus Network activities. They provide feedback as well as suggestions for the project development and management.
Dr. Jennifer Sehring
Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev

Senior Lecturer at

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Deputy Director at

Central Asia Regional Economic

Cooperation Institute (CAREC)

Dr. Brigitte Baptiste
Rector at Universidad EAN in Bogota

Petra Spamer-Trapp 

+49 641 99 12703

Sabine Viehmann

+49 641 99 12701


Communication Officer


Dr. Aliya Assubayeva

+49 641 99 12714