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VWL X: 4th lecture as part of the Economics Research Colloquium (winter semester 2023/24)

On Wednesday,
    Prof. Dr. Ulrich Fritsche(University of Hamburg) gives his lecture online on the topic
     "Going viral: Inflation narratives and the macroeconomy"
    (with Max Weinig)
 The lecture will take place from 04:15 pm to 05:45 pm in room 601 (house no. 66 first floor) hybrid (online participation via: via BBB 


Ulrich Fritsche is Professor of Economics, in particular Empirical Economic Research 
Economics at the Department of Socioeconomics at the University of 
Hamburg. His research focuses on the areas of 
applied macroeconomic research, in particular the analysis of forecasts and 
forecasts and expectations, the formation of expectations in macroeconomic 
models and European integration.


Ulrich Fritsche
is available for bilateral discussions; please sign up for this list:
Further information about our speaker can be found here:

We are looking forward to an interesting  lecture and your numerous attendance!