Over the course of the last years, we can observe a dramatization of the picture of interdependent societies circulated by mass media as well as political happenings: Starting with global warming and continuing from instable financial systems and social distortion as well as several crises of political systems right up terrorism – crises dominate the collective introspection. The Bachelor of Arts Social Sciences takes up these more recent societal as well as political challenges, mediates the foundations and crucial research findings of the two subjects Political Sciences and Sociology and teaches the application of empirical, qualitative and quantitative methods that help us to get to the bottom of these challenges and problems in a methodological way.
Contentual key topics are the following areas: (comparative) political planning and administration, media and communication, trans- and interculturality, education, global and regional governance, economy, distribution and global as well as regional social inequalities, democratization and participation, gender relations, European Studies and post-colonialism. Students learn how to independently acquire and critically evaluate social-scientific theories and methods.