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Teaching Degree Basic Sciences Courses and Subject "Politics and Economics"

Information about the German Teaching Degree

The department of Political Science covers the education of teachers in the following areas:

  • Teaching Qualification for Primary Education (L1)
  • Teaching Qualification for Lower - Secondary Education (L2)
  • Teaching Qualification for Grammar Schools (L3)
  • Special-Needs Education (L5)
As well as a part of the education for the Basic Science courses of all teaching degrees.
Subject Area

Teaching in the areas of the Basic Science courses and teaching for the subject "Politics and Economics" at grammar schools and in secondary – lower education is a key component of the teaching activity at the Department of Political Science. The impartation of society-analytical knowledge and reflexive competences in the framework of training future teachers has a long tradition at our department and enjoys a high priority.

The emphasis in our teaching lies in the area of political literacy. Specifically, we are concerned with the impartation of democratic core values and attitudes. Following this, the subject-specific modules cover the entire range of the political-scientific subareas.

Our goal is to impart subject-specific knowledge to our future teachers and to enable them to support their students in their development to mature and responsible citizens. Part of this is the acquisition of political-scientific knowledge, didactical skills and the encouragement to debate and argue as well as the motivation to political participation itself.

Course Structure

The course structure for our teaching degree programs consists of the two parts Basic Studies courses and the teaching subject "Politics and Economics". The Basic Studies courses consist of the basic module and the buildup module.

Basic module (mandatory): Students have to attend three courses in two semesters (one lecture and two seminars): the lecture and one seminar in the winter semester and the second seminar in the summer semester. Students have to get graded credit in both seminars. Further information can be found in the module descriptions.
Buildup module (compulsory elective): This module consists of a lecture and a seminar. The lecture can only be attended during the winter semester. Therefore, the module can only be started then. Depending on the current capacities, the seminar can be attended during the winter or summer semester. One half of the students taking the module can get a course spot in the winter semester (through the internal lottery). The remaining students have the ability then to take a seminar in the summer semester. Each class in this module accounts for 50% of the final module grade. Further information can be found in the module descriptions.

The teaching subject "Politics and Economics" consists of seven individual modules.:
  • Module 1: The political, legal and social system of the Federal Republic of Germany and its historical requirements
  • Module 2: Societal and political processes and institutions, social movements
  • Module 3: Politics and Economics
  • Module 4: International relations and foreign policy
  • Module 5: Comparison and analysis of distinct political and societal systems
  • Module 6: Political socialization and communication
  • Module 7: Social-scientific theory and methodology, scientific theory
Career Options
Within the Teaching Degree programs and the lectures and seminar in Political Science, the students acquire important scientific essentials, knowledge and skill for their future profession as teachers according to the respective teaching program that has been chosen.