Certificate in Gender, Sexuality, and Diversity [WiSe 2023/2024]
The certificate can be acquired by any student at the JLU. The certificate consists of three modules with a total of 20 credit points, and it needs to be concluded with a final report. Course work for the certificate needs to be done in addition to the requirements for your regular degree program.
In order to register for one of the courses, please contact the respective lecturer by email.
You can find our current module table here.
In the winter term 2023/2024, the following seminars can be taken as part of the first, second or third module of the GSD certificate program:
Module 1 (Lecture)
Title: "Introduction to Gender and Sexuality, to Race and Anti-Racism, to Decolonial Thought, and Disability" (FB 03)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Greta Olson
Schedule: Tue. 4-6 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in English.
Modules 1, 2, 3
Title: "Carmilla’s Legacy: Queer Vampires in Popular Culture" (FB 05)
Lecturer: Dr. Martin Spies
Schedule: Tue. 2-4 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in English.
Title: "“black feminist lesbian poet’: Audre Lorde" (FB 05)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Greta Olson
Schedule: Mo. 4-6 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in English.
Title: "Feminist Perspectives on Magical Mothers, Godmothers, and Nannies" (FB 05)
Lecturer: Bianca Schüller
Schedule: We. 2-4 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in English.
Title: "Poststrukturalismus, Postfeminismus, Postkolonialismus" (FB 03)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann
Schedule: Wed. 10 am-12 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in German.
Title: "Poststructuralism, Postfeminism, Postcolonialism" (FB 03)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann
Schedule: Thu. 10 am-12 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in English.
Title: "Pro 4.2 Diversitätssensible Pädagogik in der Kita am Beispiel von Kinderbüchern" (FB 03)
Lecturer: Lea Marie Zäh
Schedule: Mo. 12-2 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in German.
Title: "Teaching Dr. Seuss" (FB 05)
Lecturer: Laura Borchert
Schedule: Tue. 2-4 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in English.
Title: "Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen. Geschlechterverhältnisse im spätsozialistischen Film“
Lecturer: Dr. Alexander Chertenko
Schedule: Mo. 6-8 pm
Comment: The course is conducted in German.
In order to register for one of the courses, please contact the respective lecturer by email.