How does it work?
You will work both independently and with others, as you interact in both the traditional and "virtual classroom." You will be working closely with the instructor and the students in your class, just as you would in a traditional classroom. In addition, you will also learn to work online, both independently and with others. Depending upon the course, you may interact in an electronic classroom and learn skills such as participation in the class through online discussions or forums, collaborations through group work, and taking responsibility in a team for class projects. You will not be entirely on your own, but you will need to learn good organizational and time-management skills to be successful as a hybrid learning course participant.
adapted from UWM Learning Technology Center, "Hybrid Learning" accessed March 2020
The typical structure of a TEFLhybrid course looks like this:
The ILIAS platform will be prepared to provide you with a personal learning log in which you can document and reflect on your learning experience throughout the various courses. Your personal learning log will help you to prepare for the final course exams (e.g. a written test or a term paper, as outlined in the course module regulations for TEFL 1, 2, or 3). All course regulations are accessible via MUG.