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Homepage Anna van der Horst

Postdoc Researcher

Anna van der Horst, Ph.D.


Anna van der Horst started her career as a selection psychologist at Randstad HR solutions in the Netherlands.

She then started working as a business consultant and applied researcher at Eelloo. Eelloo is an innovative Dutch consultancy that develops software for online career guidance, talent development, selection, job search and other HR related topics. The aim of the company is to help organizations to build a positive people-focused work culture and help employees develop their talents and stay employable. Anna’s role is to advise organizations on how to successfully implement a change process, set up research projects and develop the content of online career tools.

In 2018 she obtained her PhD in organizations psychology at Justus Liebig University. The thesis topic was scalable career interventions that promote career adaptation and career adaptability. She is currently combining her work at Eelloo with Postdoc research on career steps and the effect of scalable interventions on proactive career behavior and career adaptability.

Anna contributes to policy development as a member for the work group for Live Long Learning at the Dutch Socio-Economic Council (SER).


Reseach Interests


  • Career adaptation, career adaptability, employability and proactive career behavior
  • Career transitions, from work- to-work and school-to-work
  • Career guidance, scalable online career interventions
  • Career interventions promoting career adaptability
  • Self-directedness in careers and personal development


Scientific Publications


  • Klehe, U.-C., Fasbender, U., & van der Horst, A. (2021). Going full circle: Integrating research on career adaptation and proactivity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 126, 103526. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2020.103526
  • Van der Horst, A. C., Klehe, U. C., Brenninkmeijer, V., & Coolen, A. C. (2021). Facilitating a successful school-to-work transition: Comparing compact career-adaptation interventions. Journal of Vocational Behavior128, 103581.

  • Van der Horst, A. & Klehe, U.-C. (2019). Enhancing career adaptive responses among experienced employees: A mid-career intervention. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 111, p. 91-106. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2018.08.004
  • Van der Horst, A. C. , Klehe, U.-C., & van der Heijden, B. (2017). Adapting to a looming career transition:  How age and core individual differences interact. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 99, 132-145.
  • Van Horst, A. C., Klehe, U.-C., & Van Leeuwen, L. (2012). Doing it all at once: Multitasking as a predictor of call center agents’ performance and performance based dismissal. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 20, 434-441.


Non-Scientific Publications


  • Vos, M., Roelse, V., Koopmans, L., Torre, W., Xavier, M., van der Horst, A., van Nispen, I & Sanders, J. M. A. F. (2021). Stimuleren van eigen regie op loopbaan en ontwikkeling. SER (So socio-economic council).
  • Van der Horst, A. C. & van Nispen, I, (2021). Duurzame inzetbaarheid staat hoog op de agenda, maar dringt nog niet door tot de praktijk. Financieel dagblad, special issue on development, lifelong learning. P.6.
  • Van der Horst, & Van Nispen, I, (2020) Whitepaper employability: De succesfactoren om Duurzame Inzetbaarheid echt te laten werken. Eelloo (
  • Roelse, V., Rouwenhorst, D., Xavier, M., van der Torre, W., Koopmans, L., van der Horst, A., van Nispen, I & Vos, M. (2020). Eigen regie op loopbaan en ontwikkeling: kennisdocument leven lang ontwikkelen. SER (socio-economic council).
  • Houtman S. & Van der Horst, A. C (2017). Werken aan duurzame inzetbaarheid: bezoek een museum onder werktijd. LoopbaanVisie, 68-74.
  • Van der Horst, A.C. (2017). Proactief Loopbaangedarg, het ideale klimaat voor duurzame inzetbaarheid. PW, 5, 44-46 (
  • Smit, C. A., Lazeron, A. H. & Van der Horst, A. C.(2010). Attributies, topprestaties door geloof in jezelf en in je mensen. Brein@work, 293-301.


Conference Presentations


  • Van der Horst, A., & Klehe, U.-C. (2021) “Exploring greener pastures – antecedents and consequences in terms of external temporality and internal fit.”Paper presented at the Careers Division Community Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM), Vienna, Austria.

  • Van der Horst, A. C., Klehe, U.-C., Coolen, A. C. M, & Brenninkmeijer, V. (2019). Facilitating a successful school-to-work transition: Comparing compact career-construction interventions. Paper presented at the 19th meeting of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Turin. Italy.

  • Van der Horst, A., Klehe, U.-C., Coolen, A., Brenninkmeijer, V. (2017, August). Facilitating the school-to-work transition: A portfolio intervention for career adaptability. Paper presented at the 77th annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Van der Horst, A., & Klehe, U.-C. (2014, August). Making Career Guidance More Efficient, Affordable and Self-Directed. Paper presented at the 74th annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

  • Van der Horst, A., Klehe, U.-C., & Van der Heijden, B. I. J. M. (2014). How to stay in the race?:How Age and Learning Orientation Interact to Promote Career Adaptabilit. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Werkgemeenschap van onderzoekers in de Arbeids- & Organisatie psychologie (WAOP).

  • Van der Horst, A., & Klehe, U.-C. (2014, October). Making Career Guidance More Efficient, Affordable and Self-Directed. Paper presented at the International Conference of Applied Psychology (ICAP), Paris, France.

  • Van der Horst, A., van Assen, J. J., & Klehe, U.-C. (2012, October). The ePortfolio: Self directedness and flexible career paths in a transparent labor market. Paper presented at the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) conference, Mannheim, Germany. 

  • Van der Horst, A., & Klehe, U.-C. (2011). Relationship between multitasking skills and performance based dismissal in Call Centers. Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Maastricht, The Netherlands