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  1. Annual meeting of the FRS User Group, GSI Darmstadt, 3.2.00-5.2.00, H. Weick, H. Geissel, C. Scheidenberger et al., Charge-exchange straggling of heavy ions.
  2. Annual meeting of the FRS User Group, GSI Darmstadt, 3.2.00-5.2.00, A. Leistenschneider et al., E1 strength of n-rich light isotopes.
  3. Annual meeting of the FRS User Group, GSI Darmstadt, 3.2.00-5.2.00, T. Faestermann, M. Münch, R. Schneider, A. Stolz, K. Sümmerer, E. Wefers et al., Half-lives of p-rich nuclei in the A=77,..,99.
  4. Annual meeting of the FRS User Group, GSI Darmstadt, 3.2.00-5.2.00, M. Hausmann et al., Mass measurements of hot short-lived fragments in the ESR.
  5. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, 19.3.00-23.3.00, J. Stadlmann et. al., Erste isochrone Flugzeitmassenmessung kurzlebiger Kernfragmente im ESR.
  6. 48th ASMS Conference, Long Beach, USA, 11.6.00-14.6.00, H. Wollnik et. al., Multiple reflection energy-isochronous time-of-flight mass spectrometers for high mass resolving power.
  7. 48th ASMS Conference, Long Beach, USA, 11.6.00-14.6.00, A. Casares et. al., A multiple reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Multi-RTOF) for space applications.
  8. APAC 2000, Cargse, Frankreich, 18.9.00-23.9.00, A. Casares et. al., Nuclear-Decay Spectroscopy of Mass Identified Nuclei.