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AMMOD = Automated Multisensor Station for Monitoring of BiodDiversity


(weather stations for species diversity)

A combination of sensors and sampling devices for AMMOD stations.

Not all possible sensor types will be included in the prototypes.


One Part of the AMMOD-Project is located at the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen module 4: Metabarcoding of environmental samples

A large part of the biodiversity consists of tiny to small organisms, e.g. insects and pollen. This module focuses on the development of techniques for the collection and identification of organisms which are small and difficult to identify based on morphology. We will develop and test entirely new automated environmental sampling devices that work autonomously in the field. Specimen identification will be achieved via environmental metabarcoding using Next Generation Sequencing technologies (NGS). This concerted sampling and analyses of insects (this part is located at ZFMK: Zoological Research Museum A. Koenig (Bonn)) and pollen allows for investigating the phenology of insect and flower populations. Test runs will be conducted in relation to high throughput applicability in the future for the challenging large-scale routine monitoring of species diversity. Thus, we can provide information about the seasonal presence of insects, their seasonal forage strategies and the plants' resource availability.



Picture of an AMMOD station




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