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John K, Degtyarev M, Gorbunova A, Korobushkin D, Knöss H, Wolters V, Zaitsev AS (2019) Enchytraeids simultaneously stimulate rice straw degradation and mitigate CO2 release in a paddy soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 131: 191-194.

Guo Y, Gao M, Liu J, Zaitsev AS, Wu D (2019) Disentangling the drivers of ground-dwelling macro-arthropod metacommunity structure at two different spatial scales. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 130: 55-62.

 Zaitsev AS, Gorbunova AYu, Korobushkin DI, Degtyarev MI, Zhadova AN, Kostina NV, Gongalsky KB (2018) The earthworm species Eisenia fetida modulates greenhouse gas release and carbon stabilization after rice straw amendment to a paddy soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 89: 39-44.

Zaitsev AS, Birkhofer K, Ekschmitt K, Wolters V (2018) Belowground tritrophic food chain modulates soil respiration in grasslands. Pedosphere 28: 114-123 

Saifutdinov RA, Gongalsky KB, Zaitsev AS (2018) Evidence of a trait-specific response to burning in springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) in the boreal forests of European Russia. Geoderma 332: 173-179.

Gorbunova AYu, Korobushkin DI, Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB (2017) Forest fires increase variability of soil macrofauna communities along a macrogeographic gradient. European Journal of Soil Biology 80: 49-52.

Birkhofer K, Gossner MM, Diekötter T, Drees C, Ferlian O, Maraun M, Scheu S, Weisser WW, Wolters V, Wurst S, Zaitsev AS, Smith HG (2017) Land-use type and intensity differentially filter traits in above- and below-ground arthropod communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 511–520.

Butenko KO, Gongalsky KB, Korobushkin DI, Ekschmitt K, Zaitsev AS (2017) Forest fires alter the trophic structure of soil nematode communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 109: 107-117

Hudson LN, Newbold T, Contu S, Hill SLL, Lysenko I, De Palma A, … Zaitsev AS, … Purvis A (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology & Evolution 7: 162-188.

Korobushkin DI, Gorbunova AYu, Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB (2017) Trait-specific response of soil macrofauna to forest burning along a macrogeographic gradient. Applied Soil Ecology 112: 97–100.

Holmstrup M, Damgaard C, Schmidt IK, Arndal MF, Beier C, Mikkelsen TN, Ambus P, Larsen KS, Pilegaard K, Michelsen A, Andresen LC, Haugwitz M, Bergmark L, Priemé A, Zaitsev AS, Georgieva S, Dam M, Vestergård M, Christensen S (2017) Long-term and realistic global change manipulations had low impact on diversity of soil biota in temperate heathland. Scientific Reports 7: Article 41388.

Gongalsky KB, Zaitsev AS (2016) The Role of Spatial Heterogeneity of the Environment in Soil Fauna Recovery after Fires. Doklady Earth Sciences 471: 1265–1268.

Schmidt A, John K, Auge H, Brandl R, Horgan FG, Settele J, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V, Schadler M (2016) Compensatory mechanisms of litter decomposition under alternating moisture regimes in tropical rice fields. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 79-90.

Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Malmström A, Persson T, Bengtsson J (2016) Why are forest fires generally neglected in soil fauna research? A mini-review. Applied Soil Ecology 98: 261-271.

John K, Jauker F, Marxsen J, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2015) Earthworm bioturbation stabilizes carbon in non-flooded tropical paddy soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 91: 127-132

Bobrov AA, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2015) Shifts in soil testate amoeba communities associated withfForest diversification. Microbial Ecology 69: 884-894.

Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Persson T, Bengtsson J (2014) Connectivity of litter islands remaining after a fire and unburnt forest determines the recovery of soil fauna. Applied Soil Ecology 83: 101-108.

Zaitsev AS, Chauvat M, Wolters V (2014). Spruce forest conversion to a mixed beech-coniferous stand modifies oribatid community structure. Applied Soil Ecology 76: 60-67.

Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Nakamori T, Kaneko N (2014) Ionizing radiation effects on soil biota: Application of lessons learned from Chernobyl accident for radioecological monitoring. Pedobiologia 57: 5-14.

Zaitsev AS, van Straalen NM, Berg MP (2013) Landscape age explains large spatial scale trends in oribatid mite diversity. Landscape Ecology 28:285-296.

Gongalsky KB, Malmström A, Zaitsev AS, Shakhab SV, Bengtsson J, Persson T (2012) Do burned areas recover from inside? An experiment with soil fauna in a heterogeneous landscape. Applied Soil Ecology 59:73-86.

Zaitsev AS, Gongalsky KB, Gorshkova IA, Krechetov PP, Koroleva TV (2011) Impact of rocket propellant (nonsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine) on soil fauna. Doklady Earth Sciences. 440: 1340-1342.

Chauvat M, Zaytsev AS, Titsch D, Wolters V (2011) Changes in soil faunal assemblages during conversion from pure to mixed forest stands. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 317-324.

Chauvat M, Zaitsev AS, Gabriel E, Wolters V (2009) How do soil fauna and soil microbiota respond to beech forest growth? Current Zoology 55: 272-278.

Siepel H, Zaitsev AS, Berg, M.P. 2009. Checklist of oribatid mites of the Netherlands (Acariformes, Oribatida). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 20: 83-111.

Rjabinin NA., Zaitsev AS (2008) Viracochiella orientalis, a new species of oribatid mites (Acariformes, Oribatida) of the family Ceratozetidae from Sakhalin. Entomological Review 88: 874-877.

Salamon J-A, Zaitsev A, Gartner S, Wolters V  (2008) Soil macrofaunal response to forest conversion from pure coniferous stands into semi-natural montane forests. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 491-498.

Wolters V, Bengtsson J, Zaitsev AS (2006) Relationship among the species richness of different taxa. Ecology 87: 1886 – 1895.[1886:RATSRO]2.0.CO;2

Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2006) Geographic determinants of oribatid mite communities structure and diversity across Europe: a longitudinal perspective. European Journal of Soil Biology 42:S358 – S361.

Zaitsev AS, Wolters V, Waldhardt R, Dauber J (2006) Long-term succession of oribatid mites after conversion of croplands to grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology 34: 230-239.

Pokarzhevsky AD, Gongalsky KB, Zaitsev AS, Belyakova OI, Savin FA (2006) “Gaps” in the spatial distribution of earthworms in the meadow steppe. Doklady Academy of Sciences 408: 1-4. (in Russian).

Zaitsev AS (2003) CD-ROM Review. Experimental and Applied Acarology 30: 317-318

Chauvat M, Zaitsev AS, Wolters V (2003) Successional changes of Collembola and soil microbiota during forest rotation. Oecologia 137: 269-276.

Pokarzhevskii AD, van Straalen NM, Zaboev DP, Zaitsev AS (2003) Microbial links and element flows in nested detrital food-webs. Pedobiologia 47: 213-224.

Zaitsev AS , Chauvat M, Pflug A, Wolters V (2002) Oribatid mite diversity and community dynamics in a spruce chronosequence. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 34: 1919-1927.

Zaitsev AS, Berg MP (2001) Oribatid mites in different forest types in the Netherlands (Acari: Oribatida). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 15: 79-101.

Zaitsev AS (2001) Geography of oribatid mite distribution in Russia. Vestnik MGU, serija 5,geographicheskaja 6: 34-37 (in Russian).

Van Straalen NM, Butovsky RO, Pokarzhevskii AD, Zaitsev AS, Verhoef SC (2001) Metal concentrations in soil and invertebrates in the vicinity of a metallurgical factory near Tula (Russia). Pedobiologia 45: 451-466.

Zaitsev AS, van Straalen NM (2001) Species diversity and metal accumulation in oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of forests affected by a metallurgical plant. Pedobiologia 45:466-475.

Pokarzhevskii AD, van Straalen NM, Filimonova ZhV., Zaitsev AS, Butovsky RO (2000) Trophical structure of the ecosystems and ecotoxicology of soil organisms. Russian Journal of Ecology 3:211-218.

Filimonova ZV, Pokarzhevskii AD, Zaitsev AS, Krivolutsky DA, Verhoef CA (2000) Ecological mechanisms of soil biota tolerance to metal contamination. Doklady of Academy of Sciences 370: 571-573.

Zaitsev AS, Miklayeva IM, Rumiantsev VYu (1999) New computer training database of geobotanical descriptions. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5. Geography. 6: 45-48 (in Russian).

Zaitsev AS (1997) The communities of the oribatid mites (Acari:Oribatida) of the Zakopane environs . Ochrona Przyrody. 54: 131-140.

Zaitsev AS (1996) The analysis of habitat of model species Nothrus palustris C.L.Koch, 1839. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5.Geography. 6: 39-45. (in Russian).



Additional contributions:


Zaitsev A.S. 2015. Chapter II. Diversity of Soil Organisms. Section: "Acari". Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas. Orgiazzi A., Singh B., Wall D.H., Barrios E., Kandeler E., Moreira F.M.S., De Deyn G., Chotte J.L., Six J., Zhang J., Hedlund K., Ramirez K.S., Briones M.J.I., Dita M., Miko L., Johnson N., Fierer N., Kaneko N., Bohlen P., Lavelle P., Eggleton P., Lemanceau P., Bardgett R., Jeffery S., Scheu S., Behan Pelletier V., Van der Putten W., Montanarella L., Jones A. (Eds.). European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. p. 49. LINK