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We offer the possibility to write bachelor and master theses on various topics. Below you find the currently open topics. Should you be interested in any of them (or in other topics that would fit the division's profile), do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Even though the descriptions below are in German, it is possible to write the thesis in English



Topics for Bachelor / Master Theses


Almost all topics can be investigated as either bachelor or master theses, upon agreement with the supervisor.

The offered topics are separated by field in the list below.



Population ecology

see the German page

Genetic diversity among selected populations of reed ( Phragmites australis ) in Kazakhsta n

Einfluss von Trockenheit auf Wiederansiedlungserfolg von Stromtalwiesenarten

Können Stromtalwiesenarten Stresstoleranz vererben?

Die Produktivität von Lupinus polyphyllus in der Langen Rhön - Nährstoffinput einer Schlüsselart in ein Bergwiesenökosystem

Stauden-Lupine - Performance von aus Wurzelstücken regenerierten Individuen (Topfversuch Versuchsfeld)